View Full Version : Discus Tank Chaos: Good, Bad, Normal and What to do!?

11-30-2012, 11:19 AM
75 gal, planted (anubias, swords, wisteria), 5 discus (2 X 5.5", 3 X 3.5"), 17 neons, 6 corys, 5 ottos, 1 dwarf gourami.
Tank Params: pH: 6.3-6.5; NO2=NH3=0; NO3 < 2; Temp: 82-84F; Ca Alk = 3; Total Alk = 5; CO2 Injection; Fluorish Plant Feed
Water Changes: 2 X 50%/Week; RO w/ RO Right and Discus Mineral Essentials

Tank has been up for 5 months. Battle 3 separate algae outbreaks and four day power outage during storm Sandy.

Just when I thought things were settling in after all my rookie troubles...

I thought that my two 5.5" fish were males as they did nothing but fight with each other. It turned out they were actually boy and girl and two days ago decided to start dancing with each other between beating up the the smaller discus. All of this I suppose is normal. My main concern are the ottos. The ottos were completely peaceful and mainly out of sight until two days ago when all the loving began. It was as if a switch was turned on and now they are on the discus just like mosquitoes. Trying to catch the ottos would be quite a feat.

How concerned should I would appreciate any advice.



Second Hand Pat
11-30-2012, 11:22 AM
I would remove the ottos ASAP. Lower the water to make the catching easier.

11-30-2012, 01:19 PM
yup. Ottos + discus = wounds all over the sides of the discus. Go get a bushy nose pleco instead.

11-30-2012, 09:59 PM
I was able to catch most of the ottos. They are the new residents of my feeder goldfish tank. It actually was not too hard. Hopefully I can get the rest tomorro. There may be one or two more.

It looks as though the two mates still seem very friendly to each other. But all of the dancing has stopped. Oh well. Got all excited for nothing. May be they are too young yet.

11-30-2012, 10:30 PM
It's not they are too young. Ottos and Chinese algae eaters are never good tankmates for discus. I have nuttin except discus now..I had corys before..until my discus decided they were edible. I dunno which ones are the culprits.

12-06-2012, 10:40 AM
Most of the love has gone from my newly formed pair. They are still hanging out together and chasing the others away (some of the time). But all the dancing and wiggling next to each other has stopped.

I guess I need some discus love advice...

Will the romance come back? when a pair is formed, do they stick with each other for a while? Could they be too young at 5 inches to be into it? Is there anything I can do to ease things along, or am I trying to be too middly?


12-06-2012, 09:10 PM
I would remove the ottos ASAP. Lower the water to make the catching easier.

yup. Ottos + discus = wounds all over the sides of the discus. Go get a bushy nose pleco instead.

Yes - agree, that happens more often than not - when Otos and SAE's get larger, older, fatter & lazier, they seem to decide that algae ain't so great - and that regular fish food, and discus' slime coats even more so, are very appealing & should be an appetizing part of their diet. They simply become 'rogues'.
Ive had it happen to me several times, with both Otos & SAE's.

As Pat said - take them out - now.

12-07-2012, 10:25 AM
Thanks Paul. I did take them out. They have been replaced with two BN Plecos. I will keep an eye on those also to make sure no problems arise from them.