View Full Version : Only Bloodworms!?!?

12-01-2012, 12:18 AM
Hey! I just recently bought my 2 discus a week ago. They fed only frozen bloodworm at the store and these guys still want the same. I have tried Aquarian Special Discus Pellets, TetraMin Flakes, TetraCompleteBits, freeze-dried tubifex worms, TetraPro Energy Crisps but they still wont go for anything:(:confused:. I have even tried a bit of garlic extract with the granules but they still dont take it. I tried fasting them for 2 days and then feed them the Completebits but the still just take one in their mouth and when they know its the same thing they leave it and search for something better. What can I do about this? Someone please give an insight on this:(

12-01-2012, 12:22 AM
That is the problem with junk food, once you are hooked you can't beat it. you can try live red/white worms and see if they take it but you cant give them regularly due to relatively high fat content.

12-01-2012, 12:27 AM
Dont really have access to live worms and stuff but I already have so many foods that I dont think my parents will buy more if I ask:( Anything I can do with the foods I already have?

12-01-2012, 02:39 AM
Check out Al's freeze dried black worms! Aquaticsuppliers.com they are like crack to discus!

Orange Crush
12-01-2012, 02:43 AM
Check out Al's freeze dried black worms! Aquaticsuppliers.com they are like crack to discus!
+1 and better for the discus too

12-01-2012, 04:13 AM
Will see if I can get some but can I do anything with the foods I currently have? Wouldnt want to waste them?

12-01-2012, 06:03 AM
If you want them to eat something exclusively feed them that food and nothing else until they take on it. They will get hungry enough they will enventually eat it. Stay strong and don't give in!

12-01-2012, 07:10 AM
Today is the 3rd day im trying to do that varying between all the foods I have. How long does it usually take by this method and is it safe?

12-01-2012, 09:05 AM
I went 8 days and caved because I felt guilty....I'm going to attempt it again when I leave for vacation so I don't have to look at their guilty faces for 7 days. I was able to get them to eat freeze dried black worms but I have YET to get everyone to eat the pellets. Only 4/7 will eat the pellets. Stay strong. I heard it can take up to 30 days

12-01-2012, 09:53 AM
For some reason my discus will not eat Hikari frozen bloodworms any more, go figure.

You should be able to change their diet to FDBW or Beefheart Flakes. These two alone would have the most protein for them unless you make your own beefheart mix.

Good luck!

12-01-2012, 01:25 PM
Can I make some sort of a mix using the foods I already? Just asking cause beef isnt allowed in my household. Or do I have to to keep pushing the pellet foods and keep away from the frozen bloodworms?

Orange Crush
12-02-2012, 01:46 AM
Can I make some sort of a mix using the foods I already? Just asking cause beef isnt allowed in my household. Or do I have to to keep pushing the pellet foods and keep away from the frozen bloodworms?
I have read that some on here have used turkey or fresh seafood with great sucess.
seafood mix: http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?68857-Basshead-s-tuna-salmon-mix&highlight=seafood+mix
substitute the beefheart w/turkey as per instructions: http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?94836-Beef-Heart-and-Turkey-Mix&highlight=

12-02-2012, 08:29 AM
Can I make some sort of a mix using the foods I already? Just asking cause beef isnt allowed in my household. Or do I have to to keep pushing the pellet foods and keep away from the frozen bloodworms?
Kef Halek Tharr

Spent 7 years in total working in Muscat (Majan College, The British Council and Azan Bin Quais Private School) - memories of horrendously hot and humid summers but wonderful winters. The LFS weren't very good from what I remember. Used to buy fish from a place in Qurum - can't remember the name of the shop . . .

Anyway, you could try some frozen shrimp - chop them up while frozen to a suitable size and then defrost them before feeding.

12-03-2012, 02:42 AM
Zain Tommo Kef Halek

The LFS arent really great but they arejust about good enough. The name of the shop is "Creatures" in SABCO Comercial Centre, does it strike a bell?
Good to have someone from Muscat!:D
Back to topic, I might try frozen shrimp soon and could I substitute chicken for turkey or is turkey the best option?
Is there, by any chance, someone who has made a bloodworm mix? Maybe it sounds stupid, but is there and is it good if there is?:p
Also, today is the 5th day since the fasting method started:(

12-03-2012, 10:15 AM
Zain Tommo Kef Halek

The LFS arent really great but they arejust about good enough. The name of the shop is "Creatures" in SABCO Comercial Centre, does it strike a bell?
Good to have someone from Muscat!:D
Back to topic, I might try frozen shrimp soon and could I substitute chicken for turkey or is turkey the best option?
Is there, by any chance, someone who has made a bloodworm mix? Maybe it sounds stupid, but is there and is it good if there is?:p
Also, today is the 5th day since the fasting method started:(

Creatures, that's the place, used to sit in the Sabco Centre drinking coffee on a Saturday morning watching the world go by. There also used to be another (better) LFS in the older mall further down the road by the waddi. It was closed down last time I was in Oman in 2006 - bought some really nice Paradise fish from them . . .

Sorry I can't help you with the choice between chicken and turkey - never used either of them with Discus. I used to use chicken livers to feed Bettas once upon a time. Maybe some other members could help you with the choice . . .

I guess the weather in Muscat is really nice now?

Ma asallama

12-03-2012, 01:36 PM
Man, you have no idea! It's been raining cats and dogs for the past few days.:D
I really need to get them to start eating something. Its been 5 days since they ate any little bit of food and I'm worried. Should I feed them the worms and try fasting again later or keep fasting them? They do still act normally though.

12-03-2012, 01:45 PM
how many posts later can i put up pictures?

12-04-2012, 10:50 AM
how many posts later can i put up pictures?

You should be able to post pics now as I think you only need 8 posts. Raining cats and dogs aye? I was in Oman during hurricane Gonu:


Stuck in my flat for 3 days!

12-04-2012, 01:17 PM
I lived through gonu too btw ive been here for the past 15 years
Still no reply on the food matter? The big one's stomach is kinda sunk in and the smaller one is still bloated not much improvement so please really need some help:(

12-04-2012, 01:57 PM
The darker one is the one with the bloat. The lighter one is having the sunken stomach.
Could anyone also ID the strain if possible?

Jeff O
12-04-2012, 02:47 PM
As others suggested feed them just ONE type of the food you have bought and they will cave. I cant click your link but how large are they?

12-05-2012, 01:44 AM
The bigger one is 4" and the smaller, bloated one is around 3.5"
Im not able to post photos in any other way. Are you sure you are not able to go through the link?
Edit:Finally got how to do it!

12-05-2012, 02:34 AM

12-06-2012, 02:03 AM
7 days still no change and now I'm seriously worried :( what should I do?
P.s Could anyone ID the strain if possible?

12-06-2012, 02:23 AM
Looks like a red turk. What are you trying to get them to eat?

12-06-2012, 02:29 AM
7 days still no change and now I'm seriously worried :( what should I do?
P.s Could anyone ID the strain if possible?

Not sure what you mean about 'anyone ID the strain.' Unfortunately what you are experiencing is what most of us have experienced when buying Discus from a LFS. Many, far too many, of these shops have very little idea about what is a healthy or unhealthy fish - especially when it comes to Discus.

It's difficult to give you specific advice on what to do but I would be more concerned with the fish that is showing signs of bloating. The bloat could be caused by a bacterial infection. However, it's almost impossible to tell just by looking at the fish. Your aquarium looks very clean so it's unlikely that the infection has been caused by your mismanagement.

I would also turn the temperature up to the mid-80's to 90F - the problem is that you have other fish in with your Discus which may not tollerate such high temperatures. Try turning the temp up to say 85F and if the Discus are still eating the blood worm give them some (don't let them gorge themselves though) and mix some of your other food in with their feedings. Hopefully, they will eventually begin to take the other food.

I wouldn't start treating with any medicants as I think you will just be spending good money after bad. The general advice for anyone starting to keep Discus is to buy from a breedier or reputable / knowlegeable shop - not an option in Oman I know.

Sorry I cannot help you further :(

12-06-2012, 02:37 AM
I have fed my fish frozen brine shrimp and frozen beef-heart and recently tried the freeze dried black-worms and my discus love it. My discus don't like the dry food normally either cause they have been raised with all the frozen varietys like the bloodworm but the black worms were an exception they really liked that. I hear that they have to get used to the granules or flakes and it could take time to get them to take that. Well good luck to you.

Orange Crush
12-06-2012, 03:48 AM
Your aquarium looks very clean so it's unlikely that the infection has been caused by your mismanagement.

I would also turn the temperature up to the mid-80's to 90F -

if the Discus are still eating the blood worm give them some (don't let them gorge themselves though) and mix some of your other food in with their feedings. Hopefully, they will eventually begin to take the other food.
Looking clean does not mean the water quality is good, you can't see most of the bad things that might cause problems like bacteria, ammonia etc.
I would make the temp 82F, that is the lowest a discus tank should be kept at. Since you do not know what is going on with them, I would not make the temp higher that 82 because bacteria loves heat and if there is something like that going on it will get much worse.
Discus can go a long time without food so, I would stop feeding bloodworms altogether and feed other things instead. They need a variety of foods to be healthy and bloodworms are not a nutritionally balanced meal. They will start eating the other foods well once you stop feeding bloodworms but, it may take days. Be patient and stick to it.

I do not know if using chicken instead of turkey in the mix receipes is okay since I have not tried it. What I have read on here only mentions turkey so unless there is a reason you cannot use turkey, that is what I would use.

12-06-2012, 06:27 AM
Seems all are truk discus and your water is also clean but when you took this pic before or after WC

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12-10-2012, 09:28 AM
They still wont eat any of the foods I put in and every remaining bit even after 5-10 min is always cleared by the 6 rummy nose tetra school I have. Strangely, I do see dark brownish wastes every now and then. I couldnt find turkey in the raw form in the local stores, only as sausages and stuff. I do 50% wcs every week and the prev pics were a couple of days after one.
Any ideas? Totally lost here:(
BTW, Im 16 and in the 11th grade and currently have exams going on. So, hard times:p

12-10-2012, 01:25 PM
Brine shrimp is a good one too, helps promote shine and has an okay amount of protein

Orange Crush
12-11-2012, 05:43 AM
I do 50% wcs every week and the prev pics were a couple of days after one.
Any ideas? Totally lost here:(
Up your water changes. Best to do everyday but try for at least 50% 3-4 times a week.

BTW, Im 16 and in the 11th grade and currently have exams going on. So, hard times:p
Good luck!

12-16-2012, 06:35 AM
Just yesterday they have started eating Tetra Pro Energy Crisps!! :D
Maybe this did the trick: I fasted them for 2 days(well actually more if u are going along with this post) and then I put in some frozen bloodworm(their 1st preference) in the afternoon on supposed 3rd day and later that evening, put in some Crisps(soak in tank water before putting) before going out and I thought I saw the big one eat some but I was not sure. The next day, I put some crisps in the evening the same way and there, Mr.Big(no name so far) started chewing them up and eating the tiniest of the bits!!! :D Havent seen the bloated guy eat some yet but he should start soon!:)

12-16-2012, 11:45 PM
Just yesterday they have started eating Tetra Pro Energy Crisps!! :D
Maybe this did the trick: I fasted them for 2 days(well actually more if u are going along with this post) and then I put in some frozen bloodworm(their 1st preference) in the afternoon on supposed 3rd day and later that evening, put in some Crisps(soak in tank water before putting) before going out and I thought I saw the big one eat some but I was not sure. The next day, I put some crisps in the evening the same way and there, Mr.Big(no name so far) started chewing them up and eating the tiniest of the bits!!! :D Havent seen the bloated guy eat some yet but he should start soon!:)

Great:thumbup: good luck

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12-17-2012, 05:01 AM
Just a question, now how often can or should I feed bloodworm as a treat or supplement to my discus so that they don't get addicted to it?

Also, why does he or she only eat small bits of the crisps but swallow the worms whole? Is it that they don't like it or something?

12-17-2012, 08:36 AM
I never feed bloodworms, ever. Its a personal preference. Some do and some don't.

12-17-2012, 08:43 AM
Australian freeze dried Black worms are the go mine love them and I keep them on a varied diet with many different dried pallets / flakes and beef heart mix.

12-17-2012, 10:30 PM
We don't get black worms and blood worms are half dead so better to feed BHM and pellets flakes

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2

Tommy Saville
12-20-2012, 12:50 PM
I notice you are only 16 years old. Good age for learning the tricks for keeping Discus ! Don't give up hope....keep learning. People on this Forum are so helpful. Ask as many questions as you wish...

12-20-2012, 01:37 PM
Thank you Tommy for those kind words of encouragement!:D I started keeping fish from when I was just 5 years old, starting with the classic goldfish in a small plastic tank to all the tropical fish in bigger aquariums now. I will surely keep learning to make myself better at this hobby.
The people here are very kind, helpful and knowledgeable and ever ready to answer questions. I am very lucky to have found this forum just before I got my first discus!!