View Full Version : Med Kit for Discus.

01-01-2013, 09:12 AM
What medicines should all discus keepers have available?
The last Sticky that addressed this somewhat was from 2002 "Medicine Cabinet".Is this still current? Shelf life does apply to lots of meds but it is usually years so replacement should not be a big issue. I just was looking for thoughts on what one should have available to treat the most common survivable ailments.

Chicago Discus
01-01-2013, 09:51 AM
Fresh clean aged airated H20.......Josie

01-01-2013, 11:13 AM
Fresh clean aged airated H20.......Josie

+1 heated to the same temp as the tank.

01-01-2013, 11:16 AM
The only real reason to have medications on hand is if you cannot get something within 24-48 hours. Most places like walmart or LFS have everything you need. As Josie mentioned, clean aged water is all you need. If there was an emergency, something like a bottle of Quick Cure might be helpful but this is all dependent on the source of your fish and if you get fish from numerous sources.

01-01-2013, 11:21 AM
How many fish/tanks you have is also a big factor. If you have 20+ tanks, chances are your going to keep a little more on hand than say if you have one tank. PP, acriflavin, and quick cure are a good start. But, the best thing you can have on hand is not a medicine at all, it is a spare hospital tank.


01-01-2013, 11:21 AM
How many fish/tanks you have is also a big factor. If you have 20+ tanks, chances are your going to keep a little more on hand than say if you have one tank. PP, acriflavin, and quick cure are a good start. But, the best thing you can have on hand is not a medicine at all, is a spare hospital tank.



Chicago Discus
01-01-2013, 12:08 PM
How many fish/tanks you have is also a big factor. If you have 20+ tanks, chances are your going to keep a little more on hand than say if you have one tank. PP, acriflavin, and quick cure are a good start. But, the best thing you can have on hand is not a medicine at all, it is a spare hospital tank.

+1 I agree but I don't think the OP is as crazy as us LOL...LOL...josie

01-01-2013, 05:08 PM
If I get 20 tanks, I will need some serious drugs.

But, the best thing you can have on hand is not a medicine at all, it is a spare hospital tank.

That is great advice. I am a medication minimalist but that comes from 35+ years in medicine and seeing the issues brought on by the over use of medicines.
Would love to chat but I have a water change to do....

a volar
01-01-2013, 05:47 PM
If I get 20 tanks, I will need some serious drugs.

Discus it's actually a drug....... LOL

01-01-2013, 05:50 PM
Discus it's actually a drug....... LOL

and they are very addictive

01-01-2013, 07:50 PM
Poco, congrats on 1000 posts, I think!

(Poco is one of my favorite bands.)

01-01-2013, 11:04 PM
I feel comfortable having all the probable needed drugs on hand for my fish. I have not used any yet but I thought I had a bacterial problem last week so I treated with antibiotics I had on hand for me if I need, amoxicillin. It worked very well on my Discus and wiped out my BB. Then I had to treat the ammonia with Ammo Lock and restore the beneficial bacteria with Quick Start. I try not to use drugs for my Discus aquarium because of these possible complications. As the drugs reach their expiration date I will probably not repurchase.

01-01-2013, 11:04 PM
imo having some salt handy at home.....coarse salt and Epsom salt as treatments........plus some meds for external and internal depends on the sickness.