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View Full Version : Give me your wisdom!!!!

01-06-2013, 08:22 PM
Alright, so I am no novice to fish keeping itself, but Discus are unfamiliar territory.

I have always been attracted to them but have never before had a system that would support them.

Right now I have a 72 gallon bow front, has been set up for approx 3 years. Two Fluval 405s run on it, sand substrate, moderately planted with driftwood. Set right now to 83*F, can easily bump it up a few more degrees with my current heaters.

My water is very soft and my current stocking consists of a pair of spawning Angelfish, 1/2 dozen albino cories, pair of Kribs, an albino bristlenose, a dozen Harlequin Rasboras and a male german blue ram.

The angels are going to be getting their own tank to let them do their business in peace and this leaves me a great deal of open space in the 72 gallon. I will be moving the stocking around and am looking to stock around a group of discus.

This is where you wonderfully lovely people come in. Temperature wise I know I am already pushing it with the cories and Harlequins so count them out, they are being set up in my other systems.

I would like to include a school of Dwarf Neon Rainbows, but aside from them I would love your input on a stocking around 5-7 Discus. This is a plan in the making so I have plenty of time to play around with ideas.

Jeff O
01-06-2013, 10:44 PM
If I was you and if you haven't already.. Go through the stickies in this section an search any questions you may have (you will likely find the answers) Secondly, this being your first batch of discus it is highly recommend you start out bare bottom with no other tank mates. If you where going to just buy discus and skip the BB you would need to buy 4'+ fish. Start out slow and don't get ahead of yourself.