View Full Version : Discus wrigglers in Planted community tank

01-07-2013, 05:20 AM
Hey everyone. HPNY :)

I currently have 9 discus, most are mature, in a planted community tank with SAE's, Otos, tetras, gouramis.
So my snakeskin and a red discus mated= eggs. second time, first attempt happened to being unfertile eggs only, They laid on an amazon sword leaf. So Its currently day 6, and I only got like 10 + wrigglers, free swimming, but both parent slam them back onto either glass or back on leaf.
Am afraid the other inhabitants in the tank might eat the wrigglers some time or so -.-
My question is, should I move the parents and eggs to another tank,or should I move only the wrigglers(artificial), or just keep them in the community tank?

Thxs :)

01-07-2013, 07:08 AM
I have a community planted tank also. I have had eggs but that is as far as I've gotten. From what I have read there is a very small chance that the fry will live and grow in that tank. As far as moving the parents, eggs or fry I do not have any idea which to do because I have only one tank with few options.

01-07-2013, 07:19 AM
You wont have much luck moving them or doing anything at all. The best thing is you have learnt that they are a proven pair and need a tank of their own if you are to have any luck in successfuly raising fry. Doing it artificial isn't a last minute thing to choose to do I am currently setting up to do 1 of my pairs artificial as they spawn big and often and want to keep them going. Their is a bit involved when doing that.

01-07-2013, 07:32 AM
Thxs for the replies.

Yeah true- when breeding etc, many tanks will be needed :(
I currently have 3 . 1 of them which I can use for breeding but its small. So I will have to get another tank, and where to place it is another issue.
Therefore, I have thought of artificially rearing the wrigglers in the small tank. Keep the parents in their home and wrigglers their own. Next time the lay eggs I will experiment.
yesterday there were more than 20 wrigglers all swimming around and slammed back onto leaf. today morning like 10 and now only 4 I can see :( There are bigger discus present and faster smaller fish, thats the problem. And not to mention infertile eggs have got quite a bit of fungus- like cotton layers!

01-07-2013, 10:25 AM
Had the same issue this weekend. A pair formed in my community tank and spawned, watched it thru the motions as I did not think anything would happen at all since I use tap water and TDS of approx 400. Well to my surprise many did make it and finally free swimming Saturday, the pair did a great job with control on Saturday, but yesterday as soon as the light turned on in the tank, one of the very large angels saw them and attacked them all. Well like others have said, I at least have a confirmed pair if I ever decide to pull them.

01-07-2013, 11:31 AM
Yep. Same thing. Now today at this time, no more wrigglers :(
Few hours before, parent were transporting wrigglers that were free swimming back to base. Now nothing, Only some fungus remains on the leaf spawned took place.
Well next time I am planning to move the father or mother or both to another tank after laying of eggs. But tank available is only 60 cm long. can it be done ? What do you guys think ?