View Full Version : lighting questions for a 90 gal community lt tank

01-07-2013, 02:03 PM
I have a 90 gal planted tank with no co2 and twin 48" T5ho life-glo 6800k with reflectors. 108w The tank has been running for roughly a year with mainly Corkscrew val, anubius, and some blehferi swords sp???. I was thinking of replacing the bulbs but I read that the newer technology T5's that is not an issue until they burn out. I'm curious what the concensus is here?

If I do replace the bulbs, I read that most plants need some blue and red light to produce better growth.
Is it better to have 2 6800k bulbs? or 1 6800 and 1 10k, or a 5k and a 6800?

What is the optimun bulb setup for plant growth with what I have? or is it purely esthetic and all these combo's will work?

I just changed one of the 6800's to a 10k power-glo that I had to see if there was any change.
The 10k seemed to have higher blue and a much higher red spectrum than the life-glo.


01-07-2013, 02:32 PM
In my 4 bulb (54 watt each) T5 fixture, I had 2 6700k and 2 10000k bulbs for optimum light. I had very similar plants to yours. I did eventually reduce to just running 2 bulbs one with 6700k and one 10000k. I ran them at first for 8 hours max then gradually settled on 10 hours. Bulbs lasted me 12 months.

Good luck.

01-07-2013, 03:17 PM
Thanks Jeff,

So it seems I'm on the right track with 1 6800 and 1 10k. Did you just replace yours like the old days or did they burn out/ turn off?


01-07-2013, 03:27 PM
Just replaced them after almost 2 years. They still work but since my tank is not planted anymore, I went with Colormax bulbs recommended by Eddie for max color of the discus. But when I have them for the planted, they were going for just over a year and I had great growth, especially the vals.

01-07-2013, 04:07 PM
Thanks Jeff,


01-12-2013, 10:48 AM
I have a 90 gal planted tank and have been very happy with Giesmann bulbs.

I have a 4 T5 bulb fixture with two Aquaflora on for 11 hours and two Midday on for 6 hours.
The swords and crypts are growing great and no algae issues, without CO2 other than Excel.

I can't say wether these are the best K for displaying discus, but my Red Turks, look pretty nice.