View Full Version : I'd like to curse everyone out here!!!

01-08-2013, 03:10 AM
Curse you all for making me feel like a "Crack Addict" in the hobby...LOL

I actually own a pretty big Marine Fish business and the wife got me to move it out of the house years ago which went pretty big. Discus don't go well with the marine fish I sell (although just as beautiful if not more than some marine fish) and my wife is kicken dat' a$$ over the money I'm spending again and all the tanks I've been setting up in my home again now that I have the Discus bug. I'm hooked, I need to be breeding all the Discus....LOL

Thanks again Guys - Seriously

PS I have no idea how I acccidently pasted that attachement below. I started to ask a different question about my desire to buy some Platinum Albinos thus the photo and in short, I want a dozen or more so I decided to just import them from overseas. I think I better get another job to support my new crack addiction.

Bud Smith
01-08-2013, 05:39 AM
Yea - join the club - been there done that with the wife

01-08-2013, 09:46 AM
marine fish!??!

you got hook up on Fire fish :) :)

i have a biocube that has not be set up in my office.. :)

01-08-2013, 01:49 PM
Me too, "discus addict". No smoke, no drink, no chick only discus fish.

01-08-2013, 02:02 PM
I am totally feeling you. I wanted to call my Homestead "The Crack House"


01-08-2013, 06:41 PM
Very funny but eerily familiar! I have been keeping discus since the late 1960s. My first pair were turquoise purchased from Jack Wattley before he actually had a discus company - purchased from the back room of his shop where he had a number of tanks. Second breeders were Wattley Powder Blues back around 1973. Bred some wild brown discus in the late 1970s and was always frustrated that I could never get Heckels to spawn - from reading the posts at least I see that I have missed an additional 30 years of frustration by giving up. Work, raising a family and so forth slowed the activity but I have had a 150 gallon tank with discus for many years (have usually added replacements from Gwynnebrook since living in DC for several years in the mid-80s; Peter is a super nice guy to visit every 3-4 years to add to the collection) but havent done any breeding since around 1980. In November, a terrible day, I ran across SimplyDiscus by accident. I think I have read 10,000 back posts since then and now plan for tank after tank. I have always been partial to wild greens and am drooling over several of the very large set-ups I see in these posts. In 1995 I came across Cypripedium ladyslipper orchids and now have about 3000 spread over several acres (www.gardensatposthill.com) along with a flasking laboratory. Lord help me with the developing discus addiction........ (At least marine fish are not in the picture - have bred several Amphiprion and shrimp in the distant past [a masters degree in mariculture] but since I am on well and septic here in the wilds of the NW CT hills I cant do that). At least my wife does not mind (after more than 30 years of dealing with it she now puts up with my craziness) so I dont usually have that worry any more. Lets, see, I have upcoming meetings in Baltimore and California and.....


01-27-2013, 09:49 PM
Very funny but eerily familiar! I have been keeping discus since the late 1960s. My first pair were turquoise purchased from Jack Wattley before he actually had a discus company - purchased from the back room of his shop where he had a number of tanks. Second breeders were Wattley Powder Blues back around 1973. Bred some wild brown discus in the late 1970s and was always frustrated that I could never get Heckels to spawn - from reading the posts at least I see that I have missed an additional 30 years of frustration by giving up. Work, raising a family and so forth slowed the activity but I have had a 150 gallon tank with discus for many years (have usually added replacements from Gwynnebrook since living in DC for several years in the mid-80s; Peter is a super nice guy to visit every 3-4 years to add to the collection) but havent done any breeding since around 1980. In November, a terrible day, I ran across SimplyDiscus by accident. I think I have read 10,000 back posts since then and now plan for tank after tank. I have always been partial to wild greens and am drooling over several of the very large set-ups I see in these posts. In 1995 I came across Cypripedium ladyslipper orchids and now have about 3000 spread over several acres (www.gardensatposthill.com (http://www.gardensatposthill.com)) along with a flasking laboratory. Lord help me with the developing discus addiction........ (At least marine fish are not in the picture - have bred several Amphiprion and shrimp in the distant past [a masters degree in mariculture] but since I am on well and septic here in the wilds of the NW CT hills I cant do that). At least my wife does not mind (after more than 30 years of dealing with it she now puts up with my craziness) so I dont usually have that worry any more. Lets, see, I have upcoming meetings in Baltimore and California and.....


I hear you, Jack was the man back in the day (GAN is another one missed). I was good friends with him and in his early stages when he was one of only a couple top dogs for Discus to go to I swapped him for some poison arrow frogs he wanted to practice raising (don't know how that turned out for him, it's been many years). I think Jack is still with us but it's probably been 15 years since I talked to him last. He's a real pioneer!

But yea, with the hobby it's the addicition that drives the business and like all things, money drives the market and knowledge grows. The Discus hobby has come a long way since I first was messing around with these guys and a total novice here amoung you guys. I've been in the marine hobby and breeding the hardest things you can imagine in the coral and marine fish industry for so long I actually forgot my love for freshwater. Glad to be back ;)

p.s. Gan isn't around anymore is he? I assumed he passed away or something since I can't locate him anymore and that guy use to really produce some good quality fish. The only thing I could find was a few pictures of his farm but no contact info or if it's still around??? http://www.discusnews.com/hatch/gan.shtml