View Full Version : Angel fish are NOT discus

01-09-2013, 07:48 PM
I think I have a problem - I have many discus. Many tanks etc. They are kept to the letter and are fortunately very healthy these days. Learned alot from this site and from my mistakes. I know nothing about angelfish. I was asked to take in a pair of them for a while for a friend who is in a bad spot - so I said sure. Set up a 20H (actually one of my discus breeding tanks) - I've had them for 4 days and they are not doing well. How can you tell what they are suffering from? They stay at the top of the tank, eat little if any, one appeared to have ich, but the next day it was gone, fin rot, Side fin base swollen. What the hell with these - I was told if I could raise discus I would have no trouble with these two chooches... any advice welcome.

01-09-2013, 10:19 PM
Yeah velvet or columnaris. Use some quick cure on thrm before they all go. Your friend is gonna kill you lol.
Keep them away from your discus. Don't share nets.

01-09-2013, 10:32 PM
Luckily common Angelfish are much cheaper than discus

01-10-2013, 12:23 PM
I was thinking about buying him some new ones...but really - they are sick and I gotta try and save them. Can I use quick cure with Gram pos anti? I treated for bacterial because this morning they have tiny red strands hanging trom their bottom fins. I figured some type of lesion. One has now developed classic dot of white fungus on a fin. They stopped eating which apparently is typical of these guys when they are sick. Still swimming at top of tank but at least they are swimming. Water temp at 80 - So can I put formalin/ mal green (quick cure) in with gram pos (eurythro) ???

star rider
01-11-2013, 02:04 PM
I prefer Furan II for columnaris. I keep it on hand as many of my tanks are P. Scalare tho I took the plunge into P. Altum in Aug 2011.

they do respond to salt in the water ie 1 tsp per gallon much like treating for ich.
the slight increase in salt also has beneficial effects as it tends to reduce bacteria.
btw you can slow increase to as much as 1 tblsp per gallon.
remember to pre mix the salt in tank water prior to adding.