View Full Version : NH3 test after Prime

01-10-2013, 06:39 PM
I read on SD that after you put Prime in your tank the NH3 test is no longer accurate unless you use the Seachem test. I cannot immediately locate a Seachem NH3 test kit. I will order one. How long after adding Prime will other test kits be accurate? I have a Nutrafin test kit but I was running low so I purchased an API kit.

01-10-2013, 06:45 PM
Why do you need to check for ammonia if your tank is cycled. If I want to check the water parameters I always do it before wc.

01-10-2013, 06:49 PM
Thanks Poco but my tank is not cycled anymore! (Antibiotics) I have a large bioload and I was checking weekly. Now I have an ammonia and nitrite spike and I would like to check daily. I also check before a water change but I very rarely check after a water change to see what, if anything, happened.

01-10-2013, 06:58 PM
Ok got it. What reading are you getting for both?

01-10-2013, 07:27 PM
I got about max of the scale on the Nutrafin, that is 6.1 0r more. I got 2.0 on the API. All test chemicals are fresh. I also bought a Seachem Ammonia alert. That is a "Color Wheel" with chemicals in the center and colors around the outside to match the center. You attach it by a suction cup inside your tank or filter and it should be good for months. It reads less than .02.
Now I took too much Chemistry in my life. I know that Prime changes the harmful ammonia NH3 to harmless ammonia NH4. That is harmless at normal aquarium pH. Most of the test kits, not Seachem, raise the pH of the test tube so the NH4 is changed back to NH3.
My conclusion is simple I MAY have a high NH3 reading so I am going to treat my tank again today with Prime. The Prime bottle says you can add as much as five times the normal dose in Nitrite spikes. I did that yesterday and my nitrites are now much lower .2, still high but much better than 3.3 or more yesterday. I think later I will try 1-2 times the normal amount of Prime. Any comments or ideas?

01-10-2013, 07:45 PM

From the Stickies.

01-10-2013, 08:22 PM
SMB2, thanks, I read that thread and it does not say specifically how long after you treat with Prime will the other NH3 tests be accurate.

01-10-2013, 11:07 PM
The Seachem color wheel that goes in the tank is supposed to be accurate even with Prime.

01-11-2013, 02:34 AM
I read on SD that after you put Prime in your tank the NH3 test is no longer accurate unless you use the Seachem test. I cannot immediately locate a Seachem NH3 test kit. I will order one. How long after adding Prime will other test kits be accurate? I have a Nutrafin test kit but I was running low so I purchased an API kit.
its not that they are not accurate they just measure the binded non toxic ammonia that is in the tank. im not sure in ur case but a fully cycled tank will read good in 24 hours im sure it less but i know that for sure.so go ahead and use the nh3 kit and if u still seeing ANY ammonia which will be changing as ur cycle picks up going up at first then down.keep up with WC so they dont get to bad and dose daily or more with prime instead of 5x at once maybe double dose twice aday only cause its planted tank lots of bad stuff in that gravel.when NH3 test reads good and nitrites are good then u can call hans lol hth

01-11-2013, 08:09 AM
MSD, thanks, I assumed they would work, I did not know if Prime affected them. If they work I am good this morning. but I'll check again tonight.
Mike (cjr8420) Thanks for the advice. I only did the 5X Prime once day before yesterday to be sure. Yesterday I added 1X dose of Prime. I will check my water tonight and see where I am. I am thinking that tonight I will add nothing! I may just change water and take hours to refill my tank instead of 30-60 minutes. If I change water I will use Prime, if I do not change, no Prime. I will continue to test my water daily.
I am hoping to see Hans soon!

01-11-2013, 08:48 AM
Sounds like a good plan.

01-11-2013, 09:51 AM
MSD, I sure hope it is a good plan! I forgot that I added API QUICK Start to my tank yesterday. That is beneficial bacteria. I see you live on Long Island and I live in NYC, is there anyplace (A LFS?) on Long Island that has a good Discus selection to look at?

I will be buying from Hans but I have a car and I like to look.

01-11-2013, 04:27 PM
The quick start is no miracle, just keep the water clean and don't overfeed. If the fish fins look burned and slime starts to slough off the bodies, you know you have a water problem. Don't over change water if you are using tap water and not aged, that can cause problems too.

As for fish shops and discus, there used to be a place in Queens Blue-gold, but now they are just a mess and no good discus. Problem is, these places are good for a time and then bam, nothing. Al who owns this forum is in CT. and you can msg him to see what he has, other then that stick with Hans and Kenny, they are the biggest and best on here, my opinion only of course.

01-11-2013, 05:21 PM
Blue-Gold has moved to 86-16 Whitney Ave, Elmhurst, Queens. I think it is down the block from where it was. I was there twice. Once they had a basement full of Discus and the next time they had none but asked me to check back in two weeks. I am sort of stuck with Hans, not that that is a bad place to be. I do not want to mix suppliers. I have a 30g tank I have to set up as a hospital/quarantine tank, I've been saying that for 3 months.
Thanks for the tip, don't over change your water. I did that and also didn't check the pH of my change water. That was the root of my problems. I am learning by my mistakes!
I tested two days in a row no nitrites but I added Prime yesterday so I'll wait for tomorrow to verify my ammonia. My tank might be cycled again!

01-11-2013, 07:45 PM
Biggest stock of discus is at Country Critters, but they are mostly sick and horribly expensive. AquaHut in Coram has the most cosistent selection of discus, but nothing earth shaking. Their supply stock is very good at internet prices. I get all my supplies there. Never more then 20% change of water if you are using tap!

01-11-2013, 10:01 PM
MSD, AquaHut is cheaper than Kens Fish for supplies? I know you have to order from Kens, no pick up. It takes 1-3 days to arrive by free shipping on orders over $100. NO NY tax! I buy extra stuff to keep around and I save up my orders to be $100. If I need something right away i go to LFS.
Are you positive no more than 20% change with tap water? How often? I have greatly cut back on the frequency and amount of my changes but I am not at 20%.. What about my idea of taking 4 hours to fill the tank, that cuts down on the shock of anything bad in the water or just the differences. I have a pH problem between my tank and tap water. I do not want to play with the pH and slowing the water flow seems to be good but I do not know the long term effect.

01-12-2013, 09:02 AM
It is now Saturday morning, about 36 hours since I added Prime. My Nutrafin test for ammonia 6.1 still, my API test 4.0 and my Seachem "Color Wheel" in my tank, less than .02. DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW LONG AFTER TREATING WITH PRIME AMMONIA TESTS WORK? I am going to try my 4 LFS and PETSMART for a Seachem test kit.

01-12-2013, 11:59 AM
I was just told by knowledgeable people at my LFS that it takes one week to clear. Anybody else have an opinion?

01-12-2013, 12:32 PM
I was just told by knowledgeable people at my LFS that it takes one week to clear. Anybody else have an opinion?knowledgeable person and lfs should not be used in same sentence lol. it will read good when ur tank is cycled and u have no ammonia until then that ammonia reading u are geting is in the tank it is just binded with prime waiting to feed bio once established

01-12-2013, 04:33 PM
I think you are worrying too much about the prime and ammonia, if your fish look healthy, no burns on body or fins, and they are eating normally, just continue the water changes and cleaning. Don't overfeed or over administer any additives and watch your fish, they will tell you if anything is wrong if you can read the signs. By the way, the 20% water change for tap water is just a guideline to keep the old water ratio high enough so the tank water remains safe for your fish and bio.

01-12-2013, 05:49 PM
My fish do look OK. They are eating and show good color. I think they are OK, But I want to be sure. I was unable to locate a Seachem ammonia test kit so I ordered one by mail. I called 10 LFS and no one carried Seachem brand.
My LFS is Pacific Aquarium in Manhattan and the employees seem very knowledgeable. Their specific knowledge of Discus may not be very great however.
I just did about 1/3 water change and I will go to 20% next time. How often do you do a 20% change?

01-12-2013, 09:54 PM
NYC has great water by the way. If I am raising juvies, which I haven't done much over the years, everyday water changes with heavier feedings. Otherwise 3 times a week for the 4.5" and up. And that depends on what, and how heavily you feed. Using fish or beefheart mixes and feeding many times a day requires even more water changes. I think you are looking for absolutes in discus keeping and it doesn't work that way. These is amazing info in the forums library and that is a perfect framework for what to do. The rest depends on your local water, the fish supplied, food used, fish size, etc. Relax, adapt, its a fun hobby but don't over think or worry about things.

01-12-2013, 11:13 PM
Thanks MSD. I know there are no absolutes in Discus.
I just had a problem because I made a mistake. I always changed 70-90% of my water 2-4 times a week. I assumed that tap water with chlorine treatment would be fine. It seems that I was wrong, my fish got very stressed then sick quick after one of my changes. and I lost some because of the pH difference, over 1.0! Then everything cascaded but now I think I am good again.
The rest I do right except I have a very large number of small fish in my tank. It is 150g planted tank now with only five five inch Discus.
I picked my fish up at Hans in Maryland. I bought 5" fish. I feed several Tetra foods, some SERA Discus foods and FDBW from Al. I bought beef heart flakes but my fish prefer Tetra flakes so I mix the beef heart into the Tetra flakes.
Where did you get your Discuss? I will make a second trip to Hans either next Saturday or after he gets his next shipment.
Where do you live on Long Island? You interested in a long drive to Maryland? It is a little less than three hours each way for me on a Saturday. Very little commercial traffic then. I also live blocks from the Holland Tunnel.

01-12-2013, 11:43 PM
I live out in Commack and Hans has invited me to come many times but I never have. I have gotten discus from Hans and from Kenny here on the forum. They are both the best and it really depends on which strains I am looking for. Diplomatic enough?? ;)