View Full Version : The Cloudy tank Deviation

01-15-2013, 04:23 PM
For your approval, I will tell of my cloudy tank plight, then how I finally solved it. I had to reset my 2 tanks tahnks to hurricane Sandy. Twoo weeks of no power and low temps did in both tanks and their crew. ( I have a generator now). I had been having a problem with cloudy white and green water for the past year or so after living here for 18 years of perfect water clarity. I tried many water changes and additives, carbon and purigen, etc. No luck the water clouded up within a day no mater what.Called the local water company andthey had no manswer, the water was processed the same as always. Asked all the experts I know but they had no hard answer either. I delved into the internet resources and found a recurring thhat much eme after several hours research. UV sterilizer. But I did not want to spend thatt much for something I wasn't sure of. Went to my LFS after researching UV fixtures and came across the Deep Blue 18 watt in tank model. Got a nice discount from the owner, I put at least 2 of his kids through college, and set it up in my tank. Over the next 6 days I noticed improvement each day from day 3 on. Today is the 6th day and the water is crystal clear! So I am recording this here so the next people that encounter this annoying problem may solve it a little faster then I did.