View Full Version : Gravel to sand change

01-18-2013, 08:31 PM
So my husband bought me my tank last year 2011 for Xmas. It has morphed many times in its fish inhabitants but now has been home to discus for the last 6-7 months.
One of the leftover remnants is the gravel bottom and black plastic backing.
I was thinking of changing out the gravel with pool filter sand and painting the back and adding in real manitzita driftwood.

My plan was
1. to fill my aging barrel (32 gal trashcan) with tank water
2. netting the fish in with a heater and aerator
3. Drain tank, clean, scoop out gravel
4. Paint the back
5. Sand and water from barrel in, driftwood, then fish then rest of water.
I will have to age another 30 gal to fill the tank the next day.

My questions:
1. If I have a standard 60 gal (48" x12 3/4"), how much pool filter sand should I need? Do I clean the sand somehow? If so, how?
2. Should I paint the back or just adhere the background? I do have some PBs in the tank that show peppering... Not sure if black is the right background.
3. Any other suggestions on how do undertake this massive project? Anything I haven't thought of?

Thank you!!

01-19-2013, 12:21 AM
Well, just to do the ol' "just my opinion/experience" to your q's:
1. I have a standard 150 and never knew how much sand I had in it until I broke it down temporarily and put the sand in a standard (empty) 30 gallon tank. I think it filled that 30 up only about 1/3 (def under 1/2) which shocked me. I thought it'd fill it up more than that since it's several inches thick.
2. For my background I use a bed sheet (black) and tape it flush. You can't tell on mine. Either way, if you want to paint then maybe try draping a sheet/board of the color you desire. Then if you want to paint then decide what looks good, get that color and paint it (might want to do that before filling it with water in case you can't paint it where ever it is located; plus take into account how a filled tank may slightly change that color).
3. Where's the sand from? Several times I've posted on here how I "cured"/cleaned my sand before using. I'd post a link but I'm about to call it a night. If you have the time, maybe try to find one of those times.

Good luck and have fun with it! My wife and I had a great time putting our tank together!


01-19-2013, 12:28 AM
I'd suggest painting the background a light color. I also usually just siphon out my substrate if I want to remove it. That may not be practical for your purpose.

01-19-2013, 03:25 AM
Syphon out water then shop vac the gravel out. I agree with painting the back a lighter color. As for how much sand I would clean and add the sand one bag at a time so you don't open too much. The. You can take back what you don't need

01-19-2013, 12:38 PM
Syphon out water then shop vac the gravel out. I agree with painting the back a lighter color. As for how much sand I would clean and add the sand one bag at a time so you don't open too much. The. You can take back what you don't need

Such a great idea to use the shop vac...

I was thinking a medium blue, but I have a blue diamond that I LOVE that I think would get lost in it.

Elliot thanks for the heads up, I found your earlier posts. I think with he pool filter sand it will only require a rinse, not a boil or bleach.

Thanks for the hints...

01-20-2013, 10:06 PM
Here are my BD in a similar color you're thinking of. HTH