View Full Version : eating fry

01-23-2013, 12:51 AM
Has any body had there male start eating 1 week old fry? I took him out and left the female with the fry. She has been protecting the fry from the male.

a volar
01-23-2013, 01:02 AM
Yes some times they do that, if they are a new formed pair I'll not remove either one, give them some time, a few more spawns and they will do it better, they need to learn.

01-23-2013, 02:00 AM
This is going to be the 4th spawn. They both did it the first spawn. The fry I have now are nicer then all my other fry in the past that's why I removed the male. Discus are PITA LOL!

01-23-2013, 02:05 AM
Good luck! Hope removing that guy will help

a volar
01-23-2013, 04:49 AM
Discus are PITA LOL!


01-23-2013, 10:35 AM
Yeh I'm in the same boat real nice high body leopards 4th spawn just went free swiming and sort of looked ok but not many out of the two dozen or more that hatched. Hoping they will sort it out too. I'm not too sure but they get a bit premature with going dark just after they lay and then by the time they about to go free swiming they lighten up and mess about. She does get a few attached and he was being a bit angry. They seem to be closer but not getting it right yet. :-( My great pair of pigean SS she dropped dead the other day and now all i'm left with are learners.................
Anyone with some more ideas ???

01-23-2013, 10:47 AM
First this is very common and has been asked and answered on the forum multiple times. Second the best suggestion is always to be patient. The fate of the discus world does not rest with these spawns. The most nature thing for healthy animals to do is to reproduce so what you need to do as a discus keeper is to make sure you have quality stock and you keep them and their tank in as close to peak condition as possible. There are a host of "tricks" that people use to try and hasten the progress but patience is normally best. Also most of the time it is the female that eats the fry. There are biological reasons for this but I don't feel like typing it all out right now. I suggest ya'll read though the breeding section more and than sit back and analyze where you are and what you have done to this point.


01-23-2013, 11:02 AM
I know the females are the ones that eat the fry. I just never seen a male eat the fry after 3 good spawns. The only reason I took the male out is, that I have more time to take care and feed the fry around this time or I would be busy with work. I think I have a nice altum flora female that the male is in with now, so I hope they pair up.

01-23-2013, 11:15 AM
Good luck.


01-23-2013, 01:25 PM

01-23-2013, 06:26 PM
First this is very common and has been asked and answered on the forum multiple times. Second the best suggestion is always to be patient. The fate of the discus world does not rest with these spawns. The most nature thing for healthy animals to do is to reproduce so what you need to do as a discus keeper is to make sure you have quality stock and you keep them and their tank in as close to peak condition as possible. There are a host of "tricks" that people use to try and hasten the progress but patience is normally best. Also most of the time it is the female that eats the fry. There are biological reasons for this but I don't feel like typing it all out right now. I suggest ya'll read though the breeding section more and than sit back and analyze where you are and what you have done to this point.


Thanks John.