View Full Version : A possible alternative to BB?

01-23-2013, 04:13 PM
I am curious about something I saw and I don't know if it would work in a discus tank, but...

The other night I went to a dinner party at an aquaintance's home that I had not been to before, and they had the cleanest rift valley cichlid tank I have ever seen. I asked them how they keep the sand clean, and they said that the sand isn't really sand...

They had mixed play sand (from home depot) with a clear acrylic polymer that "set" the sand into place when dry. They had mixed it, spread it while it was wet, set in their rocks, and then let it dry for a week. They said that the acrylic is non-toxic, similar to the acrylic bonding agent used to manufacture large tanks, and that the sand makes it look like a substrate but act like a BB tank. Easy to clean, pretty to look at, and no ill effects in the fish. I am not sure how they handled the alkalinity necessary for the cichlids...

I wonder if any of you all had seen anything like this before, and if you would think it's do-able? If so, it might be something I would be very interested in trying. If it would work, one could make little hills and valleys, and the "look" would be much more natural than plain glass, and it might be possible to use other substrate than sand, such as maybe small gravel.


Northwoods Discus
01-23-2013, 04:19 PM
Tried epoxy and sand. It looked ok. A small amount of water can get under it at the edges. Red flake food caused a pink color under the epoxy. Seal it good at the edges with silicone after curing may prevent that. This was a trial in a small 29 gal tank so it did not matter. Careful cure of epoxy can heat up and crack the bottom. Also shrinkage of material can crack the glass with changes in temperature.

01-23-2013, 05:59 PM
I don't see why it wouldn't work.

01-23-2013, 06:47 PM
I love the idea Pat! Going to have to see if I can google up some pics of that kind of set up.

01-23-2013, 08:50 PM

01-23-2013, 11:02 PM
This has been posted before. Bill, look closely, many times it is the silicone along the tank edges that causes if to seperate from the glass. It (the polymer) will not bond to that. It you want a fool proof method, best to use an acryllic tank