View Full Version : Who Supplies The Best Beef Heart Flake Food?

01-27-2013, 05:54 PM
I've been reviewing the stickies and regular posts regarding this topic and would like a consensus of opinion. Based upon your experience, which Simply Discus supplier provide the best beef heart flake food?

01-27-2013, 05:57 PM
That is easy. Super beef heart flake from inland empire discus.

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01-27-2013, 06:04 PM

Bud Smith
01-27-2013, 06:15 PM
Oh Yea - Bill from Inland Empire Discus

01-27-2013, 07:08 PM
Yeah theres only one good option, Bill is a great man, has been a great supplier through the years, and always provides only the highest quality product.... With the amount of mouths I have to feed, I have to make my own food, but I still to this day will not cut the expense of buying his food by the pound to use as the flake food in my seafood/ground beef mix.

01-27-2013, 07:10 PM
it is my opinion that BH flake is dumb feed real BH or dont but putting it in flake just degrades the flake.its main reason for use is price its cheaper than better ingredients.this whole BH flake thing i believe is just a fad something that is not better than whats already out there but unknowing people get duped into thinking it is better and have to have it.i would put bills over kens only for the reason of the pro growth/pro more that he adds to it.i no longer use any BH flake

01-27-2013, 07:19 PM
The only way to determine the amount of BH in flake is to look at the ingredient list. I have never used Bill's but in others like Ken's, BH is number 10 in the list. It comes after things like corn gluten, fish meal etc. It makes you wonder how much BH is in the flake. I'd rather use my home made paste. I know exactly what is in it.

01-27-2013, 07:46 PM
The only way to determine the amount of BH in flake is to look at the ingredient list. I have never used Bill's but in others like Ken's, BH is number 10 in the list. It comes after things like corn gluten, fish meal etc. It makes you wonder how much BH is in the flake. I'd rather use my home made paste. I know exactly what is in it.

"Beef heart % in the pro-growth is 43% wet weight"


01-27-2013, 07:57 PM
it is my opinion that BH flake is dumb feed real BH or dont but putting it in flake just degrades the flake.its main reason for use is price its cheaper than better ingredients.this whole BH flake thing i believe is just a fad something that is not better than whats already out there but unknowing people get duped into thinking it is better and have to have it.i would put bills over kens only for the reason of the pro growth/pro more that he adds to it.i no longer use any BH flake

Some people prefer a a high quality prepared food. Dog food is similar. My parents laugh at me when I pay $50 for a small bag of orijen dog food instead of the Iams they feed their dog, raw dog food people laugh at even the best dry dog food. Bottom line using Bill's flake and Al's FDBWs I get the same growth as a homemade mix without the mess in the tank and more importantly without hearing all the crap from the wife about spending more time with my fish than my family. A pound of flake lasts me about 6 months for 10 discus.

01-27-2013, 11:19 PM
When you have to feed 30 discus cost of feed plays a major role. Home made BH paste is the most cost effective feed for my fish.

01-27-2013, 11:24 PM
Some people prefer a a high quality prepared food. Dog food is similar. My parents laugh at me when I pay $50 for a small bag of orijen dog food instead of the Iams they feed their dog, raw dog food people laugh at even the best dry dog food. Bottom line using Bill's flake and Al's FDBWs I get the same growth as a homemade mix without the mess in the tank and more importantly without hearing all the crap from the wife about spending more time with my fish than my family. A pound of flake lasts me about 6 months for 10 discus.

+1 my new batch of grow out has been on Bill's Super pro-growth beef heart flakes and Al's FDBW and I have to say they are growing fast if not faster then using my own mix vs previous grow-out. This is without the mess you get with home made Beef mix. I wish it was cheaper, but it's really some amazing stuff. My fish gets everything it needs to grow big and healthy. My little guys were 1.5-2" when I got them in Oct. Now they are 4-4.5"

If i had a large fish room with many tanks I would probably revert back to making my own mix because of the cost of the food. Overall I love the flakes for the fish I currently have.

01-28-2013, 02:15 AM
Some people prefer a a high quality prepared food. Dog food is similar. My parents laugh at me when I pay $50 for a small bag of orijen dog food instead of the Iams they feed their dog, raw dog food people laugh at even the best dry dog food. Bottom line using Bill's flake and Al's FDBWs I get the same growth as a homemade mix without the mess in the tank and more importantly without hearing all the crap from the wife about spending more time with my fish than my family. A pound of flake lasts me about 6 months for 10 discus.

Some people prefer a a high quality prepared food,yes they do and bh is not a good quality ingredient.once again it is used because it cheapest with the good results and that is for mixes.would u still use this product if it didnt have the added pro more/pro growth.im refering only to the BH as an ingredient there are many better options that dont get used because of cost.you can do what ever suits you,but BH flake being anything special i believe to be a myth.i had good and bad growth with all these same foods just depends if i had clean water or not.freeze dried blk wrms are awesome now that i can afford them.

+1 my new batch of grow out has been on Bill's Super pro-growth beef heart flakes and Al's FDBW and I have to say they are growing fast if not faster then using my own mix vs previous grow-out. This is without the mess you get with home made Beef mix. I wish it was cheaper, but it's really some amazing stuff. My fish gets everything it needs to grow big and healthy. My little guys were 1.5-2" when I got them in Oct. Now they are 4-4.5"

If i had a large fish room with many tanks I would probably revert back to making my own mix because of the cost of the food. Overall I love the flakes for the fish I currently have.

any chance it wasnt the food and was just better overall care and or stock with ur new group since being a member on here and learning more.thats how it worked for me what actual foods i used became less important because changing more water seem to have a bigger impact.

01-28-2013, 02:21 AM
I won't debate the pro's or con's of a BH diet or ingredient, but if you decide to feed it then I also highly recommend Bills flakes. Very high quality feed.

01-28-2013, 08:59 AM
any chance it wasnt the food and was just better overall care and or stock with ur new group since being a member on here and learning more.thats how it worked for me what actual foods i used became less important because changing more water seem to have a bigger impact.

I've done the same WC regime I did the first time. 100% daily and fish from same source but different strain. Maybe genetics but I won't debate it as I don't have a control testing to prove my results. The flakes are good because of the pro-growth. If not for that it would just be like any other beef flakes. If have the funds to get this get it. IMO it's good stuff for my fish.

01-28-2013, 10:22 AM
Personally, I use Kens but it's a cost thing compared to Inland, if I could afford it I would still buy Inland.

But either one, my fish like it and they're already pretty much grown so no need to overdo it.

01-28-2013, 02:02 PM
it is my opinion that BH flake is dumb feed real BH or dont but putting it in flake just degrades the flake.its main reason for use is price its cheaper than better ingredients.this whole BH flake thing i believe is just a fad something that is not better than whats already out there but unknowing people get duped into thinking it is better and have to have it.i would put bills over kens only for the reason of the pro growth/pro more that he adds to it.i no longer use any BH flake

Doesn't foul water even CLOSE to the amount of time it takes real BH. Those of us working 14 hours a day don't have time for real BH, I'll stick to the flake. +1 for Bill at Inland.

01-28-2013, 02:22 PM
I believe the fish will eat whatever you put in front of them at some point and BH flakes are just as good as the real-deal in my opinion. The costs of BH flakes is high as mentioned but no one out there has come up with a cheaper way to feed BH except for the mix. I make my own mix when I can and my fish love it; it's just the mess it makes in the water if not watched.

I can feed my juvies the mix in the morning before work but when I come home 10 or 12 hours later, the water is real dirty from the uneaten food. The flakes on the other hand disovle better and won't cloud or foul the water like the mix when left in the tank for a longer period of time.

I think all said and done it's personal preference as to BH flakes or mix.

Inland Empire Discus
01-28-2013, 06:17 PM
Thanks to all that have recommended my Beef heart flake food.
Just to give you all a little comparison on the different % in beef heart flakes. My Flake is per wet weight 43% beef heart. Before having the increase in the amount of beef heart it was only about 18% beef beef heart by weight. In comparison all the other beef heat flake on the market per my understanding is 10% or less beef heart with fillers and all are a hight temp flake. My flake is a low temp flake which is more expensive to make but also keeps more of the nutrients in the flake. Of course I also add the nori powder and pro-growth to my flake. It also sinks better and does not cloud the water as easily.

01-28-2013, 07:44 PM
I love both Al's worms and IED with pro growth flakes .Frozen beef heart is a mess that must be cleaned up wright away .I also work a lot ,my fish are fat and 5"to 6" in size if I could not afford this food then it is time to get some guppies ,these fish are not cheap to keep up with.Just my option.

01-28-2013, 08:38 PM
Thanks for your comments! I placed an order for the pro growth flakes with Inland Empire Discus last night and just received an email indicating that my order is on it's way. I'm looking forward to the same positive results that most of you have experienced.