View Full Version : Taking Discus Tank Shots

01-29-2013, 09:17 PM
Not sure where to post this so plese move it if there is a better spot. I have a digital SLR with 4 different lenses but my flash is built in. For pics of single fish am I best to use flash at an angle to the glass, or put a couple of aquarium lights overherad, crank up the ISO a bit and shoot available light? What shutter speed? Manual focus?

01-29-2013, 09:26 PM
Its digital, try them all and see which you like best.

a volar
01-29-2013, 09:47 PM
Its digital, try them all and see which you like best.


Welcome to Simply!

01-29-2013, 11:15 PM
Try for starters Shutter Speed Priority (or your camera equiv.) with Auto ISO and available light. See what the fastest SS you can get for your given lens and the camera will up the ISO as needed.
Shoot bursts so that you will get one shot of the fish tack sharp.
Clean the tank glass inside and out the day before and don't feed the fish before the shoot; that gives the clearest water.
Agree with above, with DSLRs you can experiment to the heart's content.

01-30-2013, 01:45 AM
Yes - it is great to know that it costs nothing to experiment but when you factor in all f/stops, shutter speeds, ISOs, flash vs non flash, manual focus vs auto, there are over 1000 combinations - so it is nice to hear what others found works best and I will use that as a starting point. Thanks.

01-30-2013, 10:00 AM
The problem with available light is that the fish are always moving and it is hard to get a SS fast enough to "freeze" the fish. Flash will do that but it is best off camera. Flash can also spook your Discus.
To get the SS up you sacrifice depth of field with open apertures. ISO can help with that. If you really get serious about your tank photography there is probably a way to get off camera flash with your particular rig.
I am an auto focus guy (old eyes) most of the time. Focus on the eye for starters.
Also check your white balance when you process. Various tank bulbs give different colors to the fish.

01-30-2013, 10:07 AM
Not sure where to post this so plese move it if there is a better spot. I have a digital SLR with 4 different lenses but my flash is built in. For pics of single fish am I best to use flash at an angle to the glass, or put a couple of aquarium lights overherad, crank up the ISO a bit and shoot available light? What shutter speed? Manual focus?

Here are some good fish photography links I posted in the past:


A forum link on the subject:

Here's some good sites on photography in general.

Another thing you might want to do is to calibrate your monitor. Sometimes things on the screen look very different than what the actual photo looks like.


And here's my post with a link on how to sell your photos online...



01-31-2013, 11:54 AM
Funny but true story:

I have tried about a gabillion combinations with my DSLR and you know what takes the best pictures of my little hellions?

my phone!