View Full Version : Feeding Live Blackworms

02-03-2013, 04:09 AM
I bought a bunch (1 lb.) of live blackworms from a local pet store, and am considering raising them as discus food. My question is, why not just put in a large blob of blackworms in the morning, and let the fish eat them when they please? They won't go bad, living at the bottom of the tank (no gravel), the fish will stay fed, and any leftovers go out with the water change?

Thanks in advance!

02-03-2013, 10:11 AM
Yea. U read more in beginner section

Or contact dan about his black worms to culture them

02-03-2013, 10:40 AM
1lb of blackworms will look like you have a substrate made of blackworms, and what happens with them is that they will start to suffocate creating a big chain reaction that will kill everything in that tank.

02-03-2013, 11:53 AM
I currently have the lb. of blackworms in the garage, with a slight, slow trickle of well water going in, and an overflow. What I meant was to put a large "blob" (small golf ball) into the discus tank and just leave it. The worms shouldn't die in a day or 2, unless they get eaten. Then I'm spared the remembering to feed frequently part. I plan on setting up a "blackworm growing tank" separately.
Is there any problem with a blackworm-only diet for the discus?

02-03-2013, 12:16 PM
Its not a good idea. You are just increasing the bioload of your tank and if they start to die the water quality will get real bad real quick. Personally I do not feed black worms because I feel they tend to trasmist bad stuff to your discus....your mileage may vary.


02-03-2013, 12:57 PM
Don't do it.
Just keep them in a refrigerator or something or somewhere that their temp
is 45-60 degrees. Its the way most of the other 6000 lbs in the US are kept every month.
