View Full Version : BB tank cycling?

02-03-2013, 01:54 PM
So I see the thing to do when growing out discus is to change water daily and feed like crazy. I just acquired two juvi discus and have them set up in a BB 20 gallon grow out tank. I want these guys to grow up as healthy as possible, so I want to follow a strict water change regimen which consists of changing 75+% water daily. I am concerned about tank cycling due to this.

1. Is cycling a non-issue since so much water is changed daily?
2. How often should I change out the filter media? every 2 weeks or so like you would in a regular tank or less frequently to combat cycling.

I see that this is the preferred method of keeping discus, it just goes against everything I know because I would think it would lead to the tank cycling constantly. I know this isnt the case because the healthiest discus and most responsible keepers I have seen on here swear by it, I was just hoping to figure out why it works.

02-03-2013, 02:23 PM
the cycling that it pertains is to build the good bacteria needed by your tank or to establish the colony of bacteria to fight with the 3 stuff that most hobbyist dont like AMMONIA, NITRITE and NITRATE (well AMMONIA is the majority) to convert AMMONIA->NITRITE->NITRATE, if your tank is not cycled or does not have a good amount of colony fish may die, this goes not only for discus if i am not mistaken this is also a the thing in saltwater, by the way I am new to discus so that is just me, i am not a advance discus hobbyist i just on my 2nd month with this fish...

02-03-2013, 02:24 PM
by the way once the build up of bacteria is set water changing does not cycle the tank again the bacteria stay on the filter media, either by foam or what ever biological filter you have, to the tank walls, etc.etc.

02-03-2013, 02:28 PM
Trust me I have been keeping fish for about 8 years now and I know all about the nitrogen cycle. This is why I raised this question in the first place. In tanks with gravel or some kind of substrate a lot of the bacteria is in there and not just the water/filter media. This is why I'm questioning how often to change the filter media in a BB tank. If youre changing the water almost 100 percent daily theres really no other place than the filter media for the bacteria to live.

Maybe a sponge on the filter intake?

02-03-2013, 02:30 PM
SejRamkas, welcome to Simply Discus. I'm not very experienced myself and I sometimes struggle with the media too.

What I think most people do is regularly rinse the filter material in tank water during a water change. This keeps the crap from building up, but does not kill the good bacterias. I have read it recommended that you do that until the media is un-usable, and make sure you only change out half at a time to reduce the chance of a mini-cycle.

This is what I understand from what I've read here and try to practice myself. Good results so far. Good luck!

02-03-2013, 02:35 PM
If you are changinmg the proper amount of water don't worry too much if it is cycled. You will be fine. If you really want to grow out nice healthy discus you really need at least 6 and a 55 gallon tank. A 75 gallon is better.


02-03-2013, 03:12 PM
i change my filter media such as the pads as long as they are still doing their jobs but when you have juvies they eat and poop a lot so your filter pads will be really dirty, i rinse them once a week and just replaced mine after 2 months which i think is normal on those filter pads...(that is just me other replace it more than 2 months)

02-03-2013, 03:43 PM
Yea I'm mainly looking for a good suggestion on how to deal with the filter media. I like the idea of rinsing it in the tank during water changes as it knocks the crap off without eliminating all of the beneficial bacteria. I know they do better in large groups, and I wish I had the ability to do that.

Bit of a backstory:

I currently have 4 discus in a 55 gallon with substrate. They are all at least 4 inches and doing very well. Daily 50 percent water changes on that tank. I have recently become aware of ATL I stopped in a fish store that has a good variety. They only had smaller ones around 3", so I have them in my hospital tank to grow out before going into my larger 55. I want them to be in top health and this is why I am asking the questions as I have never done a bare bottom tank before.

02-03-2013, 04:03 PM
ahh bb tanks is good for juvies, so you can siphon those left over food and their waste, which i do on mine, with 3" they eat so much and poop as well so i usually do 2 times 25% wc everyday on my 30G with juvies..

02-03-2013, 06:25 PM
I'm doing about 75% 1 time a day. I'm beginning to think this might be doing more harm than good though as this may be too much of a shock for them. I'm beginning to think doing a 2 times a day change might be better. Also looking into a large trashcan to condition the water better instead of doing from the tap.... want them to be perfect. I'm still not getting great appetite from them though. They are eating, just not a real strong appetite. They have been in the tank for 1 week today. Still getting settled in possibly?

02-03-2013, 07:05 PM
If you start doing two water changes a day and aging your water, I promise they'll eat better, provided they're healthy otherwise.

02-03-2013, 07:21 PM
yea at first they will be like timid on eating, what i noticed for me is i make the temp around 84-86 they are more active they swim a lot and eat a lot, i would say or suggest try 2x 25% WC a day i hope that would be enough, and yeah aging the water, i see a lot on this forum i do the aging with aerating it and heat at the same time and match the temp on my tank....