View Full Version : Discus Grow Out Tank Setup

02-15-2013, 04:21 PM
Hey guys I'm currently in the process of setting up my grow out tank and just wanted some feedback on what I'm planning to do. I currently have 6 discus in a 150 gallon community tank which I will be selling and converting that tank to a rainbowfish tank and purchasing 6-10 Discus from Kenny next month to grow out for a future tank build. I'm not sure if I posted this in the right section so if not, mods please move it.

So here are the details on my planned set up.

I already purchased the tank, 65 gallons, 48''x18''x18''

It is not drilled but I'm contemplating drilling and plumbing it to a 55 gallon drum for easy water changes. I guess I'll drill the bottom glass with two holes and install bulkhead fittings/flexible tubing to two small utility pumps.

The stand is either going to be 30'' or 36'' closed cabinet and matching wooden cover. Although it is a grow out tank it is going to be in a high traffic area so I want it to look decent.


This is where I need your guys help, In my 150 gallon I have a 48-60'' marineland doublebright led, the tank is 24'' high and my discus have cover so I'm not worried about the light intensity in that tank. This tank is only 18'' high so I am caught between getting the singlelight 36-48'' version or the double bright version. I am worried the doublebright may be too bright tho so any feed back on this will be appreciated.

For night time I will be using these current usa true lumen leds

I'm thinking 2 blues and 2 whites. I currently use 4 blues and two whites in my 150.


I will be using daily water changes so I will be running two fishless cycled size 6 sponge filters (rated for 110 gallons each) hooked up to a whisper 150 pump


Eheim Jager 250Ws, 300W, which should I put in the tank? I will be keeping the Discus at 86 degrees, without heater the tank will be 78-81 degrees year round to give you an idea of the air temp.


Most likely 8-10 3.5'' Discus or 6 4-4.5''

I will sell off a couple of the 3.5's as they get bigger.

Also I want to install a Apex lite controller to monitor the parameters in the tank and aging barrel but I know the line has been out for quite some time so I'll wait until they release the new products and purchase them then.

That's it for now, I'd like some feedback on the filtration, heating and lighting or any other suggestions you may have please, thanks.

02-15-2013, 05:02 PM
IMO the night lights are a waste of money unless you like watching your fish with all the lights off. The fish don't care if its lit or not. Otherwise everything else sounds good. Can't beat sponge filters and water changes. 250w heater will be fine for that tank.

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02-15-2013, 05:35 PM
Thanks for your reply, yeah I know it doesn't affect most fish, the main reason for me using it is aesthetic as there are always people in the general area in the night also.

02-19-2013, 07:45 PM
Decided against the Apex system for now, I think I'm going to wait until they update their line before I shell out that kind of cash.

I need opinions on the day time lighting of the tank, whether I should get the double bright at a smaller size or the single bright at the full length of the tank. The price difference between both is negligible so that won't be a factor.

I just want to know what they would be comfortable in as the tank is only 18 inches high.

02-20-2013, 04:03 PM
For your LED lighting question - I like the marineland double brights, but I've found they really need to run the entire length of the tank or it will be too LITTLE light. My experience - 60gal angelfish tank - same footprint as a 55gal just four inches higher- I had my 48in T5s go out on me and all I had was a 36in marineland double bright. Put it on the tank and I had dark patches everywhere, couldn't see the iridescence on my angels. It just didn't put out enough light.

Go the whole length of the tank and you will be fine with marineland double brights.

02-20-2013, 04:46 PM
Cool thanks for your feedback, I was just worried the intensity may be too much for the discus.

02-20-2013, 06:38 PM
Once they are used to it they should be fine. I have a single bright 18" over my qt tank and honestly its to dark for me and my discus dont seem to care for it by it self. I also have a torchier in the cubby where they are and when both are on they love it and are out swimming. My grow out tank will have a odysea fixture that is a dual 65 watt pc which will be very bright. We will see how thet do but should be fine. I just dont like the color and how dark the single bright is.


04-12-2013, 10:17 AM
Thanks man, I know it's a late reply but I decided to take the double bright from my 150 and ill use it on the grow out tank.