View Full Version : Tank distribution question - need opinions

02-22-2013, 07:00 PM
I have 2 pretty much identical 70 gallon planted tanks. Total of 11 discus, 2 rams and schooling fish. All healthy and doing well. I have had discus for over 12 years.

I like to change things up every now and then and want to separate the discus by size. Now, tank A works as my introductory tank. New fish go there. I hate to call it a QT tank 'cause I rarely get new fish and have a smaller (20 gallon) I can setup if i truly need a hospital tank. Tank B is should b my show tank.... Currently, both tanks look similar cause the fish are distributed w/out rhyme or reason.
My question, what do you think about moving the larger discus approx. 5 that are 4.5" and larger to tank A & moving all smaller to tank B. That would result in 5 large fish in tank A & 6 smaller in tank B.

Just curious what other s think. I don't breed just interested in the aesthetics. Thanks!!

02-23-2013, 09:49 PM
sounds good to me