View Full Version : taking my first shot at breeding

02-24-2013, 06:45 PM
i bought 2 tiger turqs from kenny about a year and a half ago which have spawned numerous times in my 75g. there are 4 other discus and some german blues, tetras and 3 plecs in there. the eggs either get fungus since they always lay them on the same spot on a piece of wood or they get eaten. the male has a mean football shape and i honestly do not like his pattern at all either. just wondering if the offspring will inherit the shape or if that has no role in anything. my largest piwow has also shown interest in the female as well not sure on its sex but like that fish much more, but it gets bullied away by football face, so it never gets a chance to do anything. so i guess im asking for your advice being this will be my first time trying to breed, i will move either of the 2 to a 29g to try breeding, question is which ones should i try. the football shaped one and hope the offspring dont come out as ugly as him or the piwow which im not sure of the sex yet?


02-25-2013, 09:57 AM
Not quite sure how to answer this one.....It kind of goes back to the nature verses nurture arguments. Any living animal is a product of both their genetics and their environment. The best they I can tell you is if your goal is to produce the best possible fish then I would start with the best possible fish that you can. When I need to add new stock I normally get the best that I can, raise it up, spawn them, and then raise out large number of their fry. I find that is how I end up with my best fish.

Good luck.


02-25-2013, 10:39 AM
Thanks for the advice John, i will start with the piwow and female and the piwow is a male. Then go from there, if not then looks like i will probably look into a stendker male or even pair. I havent liked that male since ive had him he has horrible shape and pattern, i will be looking to get rid of him in the near future once i can confirm a pair.