View Full Version : Water softening

02-25-2013, 09:56 PM
Anyone have recommendations on softening my water? I know there aren't any super simple answers besides a ro unit, but curious as to what other systems you may have in place. Thanks.

Orange Crush
02-26-2013, 04:18 AM
What are your current water parameters?

02-26-2013, 09:47 AM
And why do you want to soften your water?


02-26-2013, 10:26 AM
And why do you want to soften your water?



02-26-2013, 01:10 PM
Anyone have recommendations on softening my water? I know there aren't any super simple answers besides a ro unit, but curious as to what other systems you may have in place. Thanks.

I've used peat moss. It works but it's messy. I'm currently using RO water when I feel I
want to do some experimenting. I've managed to get my PH down to 7.8 by mixing Ro
water and using 10 drops of PH down per day in a 20 gallon tank. Most of my tanks
run higher than a PH of 8---maybe into the 9's. But I've had a pair breed and produce fry at over PH 8.

I have a pair that has laid eggs twice and the eggs turn white and never hatch.
I think it is the male that is causing the fail. The pair does a wonderful job of
guarding the eggs in the tall 20 gal. The rest of my discus are too young and I pay
no attention to their PH. My well water PH does seem to change from season to season.
Not sure why that is. I did change out my well water tank to the buffer type with a
bladder rather than the huge "in at top---out at bottom" steel tank.


02-26-2013, 01:16 PM
I have had successful spawns in water that had 7.8ph-8.6ph. I didnt even know to check my total disolved solids at the time but they were moderate when tested. To my understanding, and I hope someone chimes in on this, the overall hardness/tds count drives the time the egg stays permiable prior to fertilization. Lowering the TDS/Hardness then increases likelyhood of propper fertilization.

Am I correct on this?

02-26-2013, 04:44 PM
I don't mean to hyjack, but I have been pondering a couple of questions on a water softner. My parents have a water softener and I can never really tell when my damn hands are clean of soap. I'm not in the market, but just in case a person would rent/own a house with one already installed. Anyways, are there any advanages/disadvantages to having a water softner with discus?

02-26-2013, 04:53 PM
I don't mean to hyjack, but I have been pondering a couple of questions on a water softner. My parents have a water softener and I can never really tell when my damn hands are clean of soap. I'm not in the market, but just in case a person would rent/own a house with one already installed. Anyways, are there any advanages/disadvantages to having a water softner with discus?

I've never done any testing but, I can taste salt in water after it goes through a softner. Perhaps that was a crappy unit... never even tried to keep fish when I lived in the house that had that softner.