View Full Version : Great article about why Parrotfish shouldnt be in our hobby in the first place.

02-27-2013, 11:05 AM

02-27-2013, 11:18 AM
Bold statements but I'd tend to agree. Good article.

02-27-2013, 11:36 AM
While I will never own one I really don't care if someone else does. This is not causing the fish any issues and has no affect on the wild populations.


02-27-2013, 11:38 AM
+1 !! Same thing about fancy gold fish and variations of discus.

While I will never own one I really don't care if someone else does. This is not causing the fish any issues and has no affect on the wild populations.


02-27-2013, 12:16 PM
I personally don't like parrots , but Its hard to dictate to people which fish they should keep. To each is own I guess. I have heard similar arguments that say that domestic discus are not much better and only wilds should be kept. It all depends on your perspective and interests in the hobby.

I will say that I just took my son to the dentist this morning.. and they have a tank set up in the waiting room... 4 parrots, one 12" pleco, 1 clown loach.... bright gravel, plastic plants etc. this Dentist specializes in Kids .. and that tank is perfect for them. Theres something about the weeble wobble, almost cartoon/toy look of fish like parrots that catch young kids attention I guess. They've had that tank like that for years now... I guess what I am trying to say is.. A fish tank needs to fit the needs and desires of the keeper..not necessary the personal views of someone other than that.:)


02-27-2013, 02:24 PM
There are some pretty crazy dog breeds out there.
I'm with John, as long as they aren't dumped in the Everglades and become an invasive species. Beauty is in the eye...

02-27-2013, 02:32 PM
As a owner of 2 of them in my lake cichlid tank, they to me act similar to discus in there mannerisms by laying on there sides when they are stressed and the way there eyes are set. i havent read the article but I am sure I know what it says because I have read many on how they are, I do know this my kids love them and the other lake malawi cichlids love them. So yes it is in the eye and they are well taken care of I didnt make them but they live a great life where they are and my finance and kids love them..

02-27-2013, 02:45 PM
Extreme high-body discus, bulldog discus, and bulging head flowerhorn. Its really ugly

02-27-2013, 02:55 PM
They are actually invasive in lake Malili system
http://www.cabdirect.org/abstracts/20123384918.html;jsessionid=EFC700E1B8C389A39B78CB 2E0FF876F1?gitCommit=4.13.20-5-ga6ad01a

Al, problem i see is, that such hybrids dont have place in the aquarium in the first place, just like tattoed fish, artificially dyed fish, hormoned fish, "bat rayfish", "heart shape discus", etc. One could argue, that the same could be said for some strains, that were deveolped form mutant specimens through selective breeding. The different expression of mood bars plays like in all cichlids a very important role in intraspecific communication in discus. So one could argue, that those strains are deaf in a sence. I see more problem in buldog discus and baloon -insert fish species-fish. Those fish have changed spine , which their body is not acuustumed too. Of course, the same goes for the so-called fancy goldfish strains.
Al i see your side of the argument, but to say no other of 500+ species of cichlids is not beutifull enough to compet with parrot cichlid is preatty far fetched. Whats wrong with oscars, dolphine cichlid, Cyanotilapia,.etc.

02-27-2013, 03:11 PM
I find the argument against them a bit hypocritical by anyone that keeps any kind of domestic fish myself.

02-27-2013, 03:15 PM
nothing iswrong with those, I have peacocks, blue hasps,blue acers, eletric yellows and they are beautiful to watch, I love them but I do think its in the eye of the beholder and if you dont like them dont buy them. Everyone has there own thing like many do on this forum on discus, another that I love and have.... its to each there own of what species to buy and what they like. Thats what i like about the forum everyone has there own thoughts and what they like. The way I see it, treat them right, show them love and respect and all is well with the WORLD.........................

02-27-2013, 03:22 PM
Argument would be hypocritical i you would have hybrids, fancy goldfish or ballon mollys. I myself have only wild discus.

02-27-2013, 03:30 PM
For your entire aquarium life you have only owned wild discus?


02-27-2013, 03:38 PM
Al i see your side of the argument, but to say no other of 500+ species of cichlids is not beutifull enough to compet with parrot cichlid is preatty far fetched. Whats wrong with oscars, dolphine cichlid, Cyanotilapia,.etc. where did I say that? I said it worked for what the dentist wanted, and as the owner of that tank...thats what should be. I also said that the fish is one that kids seem to like...look lets face the facts.. People buy them..therefore people must like them....Not me and obviously not you or the articles author....but others.


02-27-2013, 04:03 PM
John, no. 99,9 percent of my fishstock through years were tank breed. The only one which didnt show natural phenotype were 4 angelfish and one pair of swordfish.
Al, i didnt meant to accuse you, i respect your work in the discus scene. And you are right, its note buyers problem. its provider. I think USA hobby market and europeian market as well is under too much influence of the asian breeders, which have totally different look into fish aestethics and constantelly try to improve strains. I am waiting for a albino longfin zebra pleco ...
Do yuo all understand, where am i pointing too?

02-27-2013, 04:05 PM
where did I say that? I said it worked for what the dentist wanted, and as the owner of that tank...thats what should be. I also said that the fish is one that kids seem to like...look lets face the facts.. People buy them..therefore people must like them....Not me and obviously not you or the articles author....but others.


02-27-2013, 04:06 PM
This is something that we will just have to agree to disagree on....As a conservative if I don't like a parrot fish I simply don't buy it........


02-27-2013, 04:24 PM
I myself have only wild discus.

I can make a much stronger argument that plucking a fish from it's natural environment and placing it in a glass cage inside your house is infinately more cruel then the hybridization of two domestic species to create the parrotfish.

I don't agree with either argument but at least I can understand the logic behind the first. At the end of the day they are all just fish.


02-27-2013, 04:34 PM
Boy Al, you get mis-quoted even when you say nothing.

I dispise engineered fish freaks, but while I wont even look at them I could care less if others keep and enjoy the look. We are regulated enough, lets not legislate breeds now....

02-27-2013, 04:40 PM
Well I do have some high body discus, and I can definetly see a diferrence on how they are at a disadvantage from my other discus, their higher bodies makes feeding more difficult due to their mouth in relation to their body, I've seen it, I don't think it could survive in the wild at all and I think someone told me they are fed more beefheart to create that body.

Do I think is cruel, I really don't know, would I buy more like it, probably.

02-27-2013, 05:22 PM
My fiancé HAD to have some of these guys. I don't mind them they are interesting little guys that eat forociously. Other than that I see a tank that could be used as a grow out tank or breeding tank.

02-27-2013, 07:29 PM
John, no. 99,9 percent of my fishstock through years were tank breed. The only one which didnt show natural phenotype were 4 angelfish and one pair of swordfish.
Al, i didnt meant to accuse you, i respect your work in the discus scene. And you are right, its note buyers problem. its provider. I think USA hobby market and europeian market as well is under too much influence of the asian breeders, which have totally different look into fish aestethics and constantelly try to improve strains. I am waiting for a albino longfin zebra pleco ...
Do yuo all understand, where am i pointing too?

Supply and demand. No demand, there will soon be no supply. You want these fish out of the market, look at the demand, then talk about the supply.