View Full Version : 180 simple planted tank but forsee difficulties

03-01-2013, 11:20 PM
I have been growing out two groups of 6 each of F1 blues from wild and F1 heckle crossed on red turk for over a year. They are about to be transferred to a simple branchy wood over pool filter sand setup in an a 180 gal with maybe some epiphetic plants since I already have them. This all started as a grow out to set up a discus planted tank. I have abandoned that as borderline impossible because of all the little difficult details that crop up because discus are so large,messy and at least a bit sensitive. THis simple tank looks hard enough. Discus don't seem to require a "world" to live in as do smaller fish, but require a container to keep them in that you maintain. They are in a 120 gal bare tank now. They like (require is a better word) a daily 65-80% water change, with detrius siphonings and a wipe down of everything very regularly or else it would get grungy real fast. They love my godawful messy home made beefheart discus food that never gels quite correctly..that's a problem just in itself. They poop so much that if you left them alone, like a regular tank,they would fill the tank with poop over time. Also this tank is a bit of a room divider tank.Though there is another post showing discus in a room divider tank,I am literally sure they won't want to be exposed on the front and the back like that.With a background installed, it will make it much harder to see the detrius I have to vacuum out.
So.to minimize the relative difficulty (impossibilty),it seems like a maximum of 6 of them can actually go in the 180. I do have semi automatic water changes so that's not so bad. Beefheart food has to go..it is really nutritious but these guys would eat your shoes if you threw them in..so that are easy to feed other stuff to.

I do see these "build journal" posts. I know it is fun to build these things but it does seem that to keep discus successfully all you need ( except for your time) is a glass box,a good siphon and lots of nice warm clean water.

I presume that there will be comments like "yep ,that's about it " but others saying "I don't have the faintest idea what you mean"

03-01-2013, 11:26 PM
Yep. Thats about it.

03-01-2013, 11:30 PM
Nah but seriously if you do 65% daily waterchanges like you said and your fish are over a year like i think you said you can definately put them all in your 180. They may not hit 7 inches but that might not happen anyway

03-02-2013, 01:57 AM
I'm still trying to figure out the question. I do like your approach to the thread though... come in "guns blazen"... but I think you either left out what you wanted to ask or didn't tell us that you weren't asking anything but just doing it or... or... pastry's on his last cocktail for the night and missed something :p

Either way, the only thing I care about is some freak'n pics because it sounds awesome. Cheers :antlers:

03-02-2013, 01:58 AM
...and I agree with what he said