View Full Version : Stocking question

03-24-2013, 08:32 AM
Hello everyone-just upgraded to a 150 gallon high.How
Many 4-5 inch discus could I keep?Tank is discus only.
Also-How much water and how many changes per week?
Filter-2 350 power filters.feeding-live black worms and frozen
Blood worms.I have no food waste.I feed fish -not tank. Thanks

03-24-2013, 09:08 AM
I believe your tank is 48"x24"x30".

You can have 12 to 14 but with the higher footprint instead of the longer (72"x18"x28") I would not do the higher range.

The 2 - 350 I assume you mean Magnums? These might be a bit small for the larger tank as a 150. Even though they are rated for up to 100 gallons each. I have never known anyone who used them on such larger tanks. If you are doing 50% water changes a couple times a week you should be ok.

I would look at a couple Fluval 405/406 filters or Rena XP's. They are able to hold more bio filter media and offer more water turn-over.

Pictures when all done would be good.

03-24-2013, 10:27 AM
Thanks Jeff filters are marine land bio wheels
I added noodles for extra bio filteration
This should be ok?

03-24-2013, 01:33 PM
Please remember how many Discus you can put in now may be more then you can as the fish grow. They can easily reach 6" and more! At maturity I would say 10-15 or more depending on your water change schedule. I would guess that 20 full grown would be OK but many on SD might say too many.

03-25-2013, 12:13 AM
I have 18 5.5 to 6 inch in my 150, I do WC at 70-80% about 3 times every 2 weeks. Fishes are healthy and aggressive eaters. I run 2 Rena xp3 filters that I clean every 2 weeks. I feed about 3 times a day and I do 3 trays of bio. I have not had any problems at all.