View Full Version : seachem reef builder to raise kh

03-31-2013, 10:39 PM
i have a question to the more experienced members has anybody used seachem reef builder to raise kh.i ask because my tanks are heavily stocked and with my water only having a kh of 1 out of the tap i find the ph rapidly drops to 6.6 in the discus tanks,but my water out of my poly water storage tanks after ageing for 24 hours is 7.6.the problem is that when i change over 50 % of the water in the tanks the ph raises because of the addition of the 7.6 water.i only change large amounts because i would like to keep the nitrates below 10 ppm.would the addition of reef builder keep the ph stable so as when changing water there won't be a large change in ph.not looking for a particular ph just to keep it stable.regards lawrence

03-31-2013, 11:23 PM
Others on SD may disagree but I would not change large amounts of water with a pH difference of 1.0. You may shock your fish. I would either change about 25% or less or maybe add something to either the tank or storage water to lessen the difference. You do not say how often you change your water. My guess is adjust the pH of the change water. You do not necessarily have to match the pH of your tank and water change, just lessen it.

04-01-2013, 12:44 AM
When you say that it rapidly drops, how rapid is that? Within 24 hours? 48 hours?

The trick to stabilizing the water may be as simple as using something like Kent Essentials to remineralize the water. I'm not an expert on water though, so it's just an idea and you should wait for other experts on water to chime in, ok?

04-01-2013, 02:08 AM
sorry rapidly was probably the wrong word the tanks have been running for 12months i never really check ph but realised it had dropped to 6.6 slowly only on the heavily stocked grow out tanks the breeding tanks stay at about 7.3.when i do a water change the ph will go up to 6.8 and over the course of 24 hrs it will come down to 6.6.so i think because the kh is low the ph is not as stable as i would like, so i wanted to add some sort of kh booster to buffer the water.i want the kh at about 3 so the ph stays stable.is 0.2 drop over 24 hrs to much.regards lawrence