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04-03-2013, 10:29 PM
I'm in the process of trying to figure out if discus fish are right for me. Maybe you guys can help me out.

I have a 92 gallon corner tank with built-in overflow to a custom sump/fuge.
I am not interested in breeding discus, I just simply love the look.

So here is my dilema, because of work, I am gone for 3 weeks straight and home for three weeks. I have no problem with the feeding and cleaning required but I don't want to have to leave more than weekly water changes to my wife. My goal was to be able to have a planted tank with driftwood, and a gravel bottom, or a gravel bottom with a sanded section. Ideally I would love to be able to raise cheaper juveniles, but from what I'm reading, that's a terrible idea with a planted tank, and I would have to do insane amounts of WCs and cleaning.
If I bought a few adults, would I be able to get away with not doing a water change in three weeks?
If discus aren't in my future, what fish do you recommend?


04-03-2013, 11:58 PM
It really wouldn't be the most ideal condition if this is a regular thing. You could set up a nice hard scape for some Africans or SA's.

04-04-2013, 12:04 AM
Hi, I'm very new to discus keeping but had been keeping fishes all my life including planted tanks. You options will be very very limited if you are going to do WC only very three weeks. Most prob, you will be able to keep the fishes alive but definitely not in it best. Sump are great but your tank will most prob be highly oxygenated which will not be good for heavy planting, if planting, plant lightly.

The idea here is keeping all parameters in check and under control for three weeks or more, most liking problems will be nitrate build up. What I will suggest is plant your tank if possible setup a refrigerium in the sump. If not get a denitrifying tower but the tower are not easy to balance at the start.

The next thing is go easy on the desire to pack the tank. Maybe just 3 adult discus or just tetras. Less fish less bio load, less nitrate, less problem.

Oh, there is this filter in the market that might be of interest to you.

Just get the right balance and configuration that fit you.

Hope that the above helps.

04-04-2013, 10:04 AM
Two, three or four adults will most likely fight, with possible dire consequences for at least one. Six discus is, IMO, the minimum unless you get a breeding pair. You might manage six discus (with few, or no, tank mates) with weekly wc's, if your wife will keep it up. Can your kh handle the load so you don't have a dip in ph? Please note that if your wife takes on the responsibility of caring for your discus, you may come home one day to find a few more discus tanks. :)

04-04-2013, 10:14 AM
I've heard of this filtration unit from someone keeping wild angels in another country and he is quite happy with results.. The only issue is I have not seen them sold here in the US.. Maybe someone will bring them in soon.

Octavio Salles
04-05-2013, 11:04 AM
Have you considered a drip water change system? I'm discussing this here because I also travel a lot, although usually not for such long periods, most of my travels are shorter. This system would, in theory, free you from regular water changes. Of course you'd still need to vacuum the bottom, clean the filters, etc.
