View Full Version : What meds should we keep on hand?

04-05-2013, 09:41 PM
I've been thinking a lot recently about things that I should have and things that I need if I want to progress with the hobby. What started off as 1 tank and a group of fish has turned into 8 tanks and breeding! It's a great sight to watch.

I found myself recently in need of a med that I did not have and then running to stores to try and find it. That's always the worst and most expensive route.

I thought that people with more experience here would like to share some of their knowledge on what all discus keepers should have on hand for those just in case scenarios. Specifically things that would most often occur to those with less experience, and the most effective forms and brands of such meds and where to get them.

I keep prazi pro, metro+, and quickqure on hand myself. Probably should have some others that I don't. The hope is that you never have to use them but I believe it's best to be prepared.

Please weigh in with your thoughts.

a volar
04-05-2013, 09:50 PM
Hi Mike, I found some for you, hope it helps..





04-05-2013, 09:56 PM
Hi Mike, I found some for you, hope it helps..





I am aure there are several more.. in fact I started one in 2010 when I was a n00b. Not much has changed since then

04-05-2013, 10:10 PM
Thanks a bunch for the info.

I'm 2 and a half years in now looking around and going geez. 14 adult fish. 7 juvies. A batch of fry. 30 hours in and a viable clutch of eggs from another pair. 8 tanks. A group of albino golds comming from Kenny's. I better have what I need already on hand should something ever come up.

04-05-2013, 10:36 PM
If you follow a good QT process as you get the Discus you shouldn't need a whole cupboard full of meds or have to do much at all with good water change shedule and quality food. PP, Prazi, metro & a gram - gram + from microbe-lift the last 3 are, give a pretty good coverage. I put ground up pumbkin seeds in my feed too as a natural wormer too. Good heaters and salt is normally step 1. It all starts with the QT and expeirence in identifying and treating at QT.