View Full Version : What to do

04-08-2013, 03:00 PM
Hello i need alot of help I have only had a discus tank for about couple of months now and I came home to see my Red Turquoise & Pigeon Blood acting really aggressive to all the other fish when i looked closer they had layed eggs on one pieces of drift wood in the tank. now i was told they where two young at there size but i guess not. This happen in my Display Tank so what should I do what do i need to do :confused:;)http://i1323.photobucket.com/albums/u585/Drob85/612D00BC-C8A6-4927-BAD8-4E22ED6473D4-10051-0000088AF2A63026_zpsffb87036.jpghttp://i1323.photobucket.com/albums/u585/Drob85/F70074D9-CCD5-4F86-AACA-BD7E6F656242-10051-0000088AF7F7E690_zps0ca45843.jpg

04-08-2013, 03:10 PM
Congrats on the pair. The only thing is, a turq and a pigeon don't make for a good mix. Mostly will give you a 14 bar fish. They may also lack in color.

But hey, the good news is, you are new to discus and already on your way to breeding lands.

Unless you have a breeding tank, like a 20 gal or 30, not much you can do. The eggs will probably be eaten by the rest of the fish. Hopefully you will be able to confirm the pair before that happens. Do you know which is the male and female?

04-08-2013, 04:07 PM
No I dont KNow about but as i am replying to you my DarkAngle laid eggs (must be a Female) and the Red Turquoise bullied her and ate the eggs right infront her the DA tried to stop her but to no provel is that common? I feel so bad to watch that happen and type it out on this Thread as it happen

04-08-2013, 04:10 PM
The eggs will probably be eaten by the rest of the fish. Hopefully you will be able to confirm the pair before that happens. Do you know which is the male and female? they are the two biggest fish in my tank so i am not sure the eggs will be ate by the way they are fighting off the other smaller discus

Chad Hughes
04-08-2013, 04:20 PM
What you are seeing is very natural and you should NOT feel bad at all.

If you want to see these pairs actually produce fry, a breeding tank is essential.

So, you;'ll need to decide how far you want to go with this. Once breeding begins and you choose to support it, you're on your way to MTS (multiple tank syndrome). Soon your whole house will have tanks in every corner. LOL!

Good luck!

Chad Hughes
04-08-2013, 04:21 PM
Congrats on the pair. The only thing is, a turq and a pigeon don't make for a good mix. Mostly will give you a 14 bar fish. They may also lack in color.


04-08-2013, 04:36 PM
thanks Jeff & Chad So I am already thinking about going to buy a 20gal tank so i am well on my way to having MTS. what will i need for the breeding tank also do i move the eggs they have layed already and how.

04-08-2013, 05:14 PM
I would suggest just leaving everything alone right now. First it could be 2 females, it could be a male that is to young to make runs, and you really don't want to make that cross. Most of the babies would look like crap. Just settle down for now. The eggs or fry will be eaten and they will probably lay again in about 7 days.


Chad Hughes
04-08-2013, 05:23 PM
John makes some good points.

I realize this is exciting, but this is not the best pairing and ou'll likely have to cull the lot.

You can get ready for a future breeding tank if you like. 20 gallon tank and a sponge filter is about all you need.

If your water is too hard you'll need to soften it. Two things will tell you if your water is too hard to breed in.

1. These eggs will calcify and turn white (could also be infertile).
2. Buy a conductivity meter, KH, GH and pH test kits. You'll need to monitor all of these parameters.

Bottom line, get a "desireable" breeding pair first. If things go well, you'll have some nice fry. :D

thanks Jeff & Chad So I am already thinking about going to buy a 20gal tank so i am well on my way to having MTS. what will i need for the breeding tank also do i move the eggs they have layed already and how.

05-13-2013, 03:22 PM
John makes some good points.

I realize this is exciting, but this is not the best pairing and ou'll likely have to cull the lot.

You can get ready for a future breeding tank if you like. 20 gallon tank and a sponge filter is about all you need.

If your water is too hard you'll need to soften it. Two things will tell you if your water is too hard to breed in.

1. These eggs will calcify and turn white (could also be infertile).
2. Buy a conductivity meter, KH, GH and pH test kits. You'll need to monitor all of these parameters.

Bottom line, get a "desireable" breeding pair first. If things go well, you'll have some nice fry. :D

Chad, what does culling mean?

05-13-2013, 03:25 PM
To put it pluntly, flushing them or ?

05-13-2013, 04:08 PM
To put it pluntly, flushing them or ?

:cry: oh no..... i have a hard enough time flusing a half dead one...

05-13-2013, 04:13 PM
I do too but it has to be done. Sadly.