View Full Version : Hi All

Discus Ranz
04-16-2013, 08:13 PM
Hey Everyone!

Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Randy. Was a member here probrably at least 11 to 12 years ago. Back when Joe @ Enchanted Discus hung out here. Robin Futrell, Cary Strong, and others I cant remember right now. I do recognize BrewMaster though!!!! Glad you still have your pectrals facin down brother!!! Anyway. Back in Washington state I had 100's of gallons of tanks loaded with Discus. (literally)

I got into breeding, which was not only fullfilling, but a little profitable as well. But........ I met an awesome woman, ended up married, have a son, got rid of my mohawk hair-do, and up-rooted and moved to El Paso Texas. (I miss Washington every day) I am slowly easing back into the Discus obsession. Much to my wifes dismay! Not that shes against Discus (she calls em babies and talks to em in a cute little voice) but she knows the house will be over run with tanks if she doesnt step in at some level.

I learned alot here from alot of people back in the day. I still use a beefheart recipe I got here. I met some good friends here and hope to make some more! Hopefully I can be of help and to learn. There are a heck of alot more strains out there now then 10 years ago man. Nice work out there to all you breeders. Thanks!!!!

Any who.......... just wanted to say "hi" and ...........well........thats it.

Thanks for reading............ now go finish your water changes!!!


04-17-2013, 03:21 AM
Welcome back, Ranz!

Yes, some of us are still around. Some familiar faces pop in now and again to say hello, even if they aren't keeping discus anymore. It's like a big, dysfunctional internet family. ;)

What fish will you be starting with?


04-17-2013, 06:27 AM
Welcome back Ranz.

Hope you enjoy getting back in the game.

Discus Ranz
04-17-2013, 10:16 AM
Welcome back, Ranz!

Yes, some of us are still around. Some familiar faces pop in now and again to say hello, even if they aren't keeping discus anymore. It's like a big, dysfunctional internet family. ;)

What fish will you be starting with?


Thanks guys!!!

I started my collection out with a couple under nurished ones I rescued from a pet store. A Pigeon blood (always one of my favorites), and a wild cross. Not sure exactly what its crossed with. Blue Diamond maybe. Anyway. I nursed them back to health, but Im pretty sure their growth is stunted....... but theyre thick and healthy now.

I recently added a White Platnium, Penang Eruption, Checkerboard Red Turq, and a Ruby Rose. I already got em on a beefheart recipe that I grind myself. I have a local guy that recently set up shop down here that gets imports from Malasyia. He has some really nice specimens.

But its good to be back here!!!! Alot has changed in the strain department. Alot of exciting colors out there!!!!


a volar
04-17-2013, 02:55 PM
Welcome back Ranz, just out of curiosity, what was your screen name before?

Discus Ranz
04-17-2013, 03:16 PM
I cant remember!!! I tried. I think it was Mohawk Ranz, or Ranz 777. Alot of brain cells have passed on since then. I was taking care of both my disabled parents back then, so I had alot of time for Discus and being on here.
I recognize your name though. I hope all has been good for you!


04-17-2013, 03:47 PM
Hey, Welcome back Ranz. Curious, try checking "Mohawk Ranz". I do see a ID, if possible u can catch that id again...

04-17-2013, 04:12 PM
I think Ranz's oldest ID got deleted/lost in a server move or something. The Mohawk Ranz ID was registered in 09 and has 0 posts, so not sure it'll do much good.

Discus Ranz
04-17-2013, 05:58 PM
Wow. That's cool that my old name is still there somewhere! 0 post though? I was always on here back in the day. I think I even earned some medallion or something. Doesn't matter though. Just glad to be back and have a few members remember me. Anyway, keep your pectrals pointing down! Got off work a lttle early today and in middle of water changes. :-)
