View Full Version : Add Methylene blue after spawning?

04-18-2013, 12:02 PM
My 2 new pair just spawned, and i had to make a fast improvised way to cover the eggs up.
(made of a used net-frame)

My question is, should i add Methylene blue in the tank even with the adults in it?



William Palumbo
04-18-2013, 12:21 PM
You can add it. It won't bother the adults. If your water conditions are not correct for eggs, or male did not fertilize, no drug will help with fungus. IME, fungus only attacks dead tissue only...Bill

04-18-2013, 12:34 PM
ok, i added some, but how loong should the water stay blue like this before i do a water change?

William Palumbo
04-18-2013, 12:37 PM
I would not change any water until the eggs hatch, or for me, once the fry have attached to the sides of the parents...Bill

04-18-2013, 05:27 PM
I would not change any water until the eggs hatch, or for me, once the fry have attached to the sides of the parents...Bill

Hey Bill,you ever have any problems with belly sliders?Theres an article floating around I read saying that meth blue can contribute to that,and to get it out of the tank before they go free swimming and it affects thier swim bladder.Ive been putting in an old school box filter with carbon for 24hrs right around that time.

William Palumbo
04-18-2013, 05:33 PM
Hey Bill...I have heard that too awhile back. Not sure how true it is. I have used before with both Angels and Discus, and yes, there is an occasional belly slider here and there, tho not sure if MB has anything to do with it. Get belly sliders without it too. It's Discus...everything is in the gray area! It's what works for YOU that matters...Bill

04-18-2013, 05:47 PM
I hear you.I still get some,just dont know if Id get more.Before I read the article,I was in no hurray to get it out,and still had sucessful spawns.

William Palumbo
04-18-2013, 05:57 PM
In the early days I always had it in my fishroom and used it a lot. Then when I ran out, I noticed the hatchrates were the same without it, so I quit using it. As said, some people swear by it. A good FERTILE male, and proper water conditions is your best answer for fungused eggs...Bill

04-18-2013, 05:58 PM
I had a fair few belly gliders in my 1st spawn of pigeon ss and never added a thing to the water. The 2nd spawn around 6 weeks later I got more consistant and faster growth and no belly gliders the only thing different in that time was I started adding Pro more to the BH mix and using Australian Black worms. Now had few more spawns out of other pairs and nil belly gliders and consistant growth across the spawn and gettin 1" a month growth.

As for Methylene blue I don't use it if your water is right and the male isn't lazy you shouldn't need it.

Keith Perkins
04-18-2013, 07:53 PM
There was definitely a very sound article floating around about MB causing belly sliding. Thing is, the MB had to be present at X level when the fish went free swimming. With as much water as most of us change if you did MB right after spawning and that was it the level you'd still have 5 days later isn't that much.

I'm with the rest though, not convinced MB does much for healthy eggs anyway.