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View Full Version : My questionaire, thanks!

Fish from Philly
04-19-2013, 04:42 PM
Hey everyone, here we go!

1) Please Introduce your self and tell us what your experience is with fishkeeping, give us as much information as possible as to how long in the hobby, what you have kept in the past and what you currently are working with.

Hello there! My name is Barry and I have been in the hobby since last December (about 18 months now). I have kept a tropical community with tetras, rams, apistos, plecos, shrimps and snails, and have a 55 gallon planted tank now with a school of rummynose, cardinal, emperor, plus a headstander, GN pleco, BN pleco, and GBR.

2) If you have no previous experience with keeping discus, have you done any research to properly prepare yourself, e.g. have you read any Stickies in this section of SimplyDiscus, or other material?

Read hours upon hours and have decided I am upgrading to 150 gallon low tech planted discus tank

3) Describe your tank, its size and dimensions, breeding or display. Include how long it has been setup or if it is still being cycled.
150 gallon, 6 foot standard display. It's been up with current owner almost a year.

4) Describe the décor for the tank; type of substrate or bare bottom (BB), whether the tank will be planted or a biotope. Currently have dirftwood and amazon biotope in my 55 and plan on replicating the same but will change the neon green gravel (forgive me, my first tank!) to a sand substrate with carribsea eco complete planted substrate under the sand in certain sections that will be more heavily planted

5) Describe your water changes planned or practiced, percentage and how often. Include if you age your water and use of tap/RO or mix.

I currently do 1 to 2 w/c per week about 30% each time. I do not age water and simply treat with tap water conditioner, let sit for 10 min, then add to tank in buckets. I bought a python and plan to use this for the 150

6) Describe the type of filtration planned/used for the tank; sponge, HOB and/or sump. Also include the other equipment you are, or will be, using in your tank, e.g. heater, lighting, etc.

The new set up will have (2) 300 watt heaters, (2) Fluval F5, (1) Fluval 406. Rather than running a sponge, I was thinking to attach sponge to the intake of the 406. Also included in the package are double bright Marineland LEDs. I do not intend to use CO2 just yet.

7) If the tank is already setup and running, include the water parameters;

- temp _____

- tank ph _____

- Ph of the water straight out of your tap _____ neutral

- ammonia reading ____

- nitrite reading ____

- nitrate reading ____

- well water ____

- municipal water ____

8) Describe your current or planned stocking levels; number/size of discus and number/type of dither fish. Where did you get your discus from or do you have a proposed source for getting your discus?

I plan on increasing my current schools to 30 cardinals, 20 rummys, keep the 12 emperors (unless I find more females then I will get them since I have double the amount of males now) adding a few octo or maybe 6 small sterba corys plus of course, the KING of the Aquarium - eventually a dozen or so discus (more like 6 to start). I plan to get mostly from Vlad Discus in Philly but considering driving to Hans in Maryland as well

9) Describe your planned or existing feeding regimen. Include what and how often you are feeding on a daily basis. I feed every other day flake food, and various frozen foods like blood worms, daphnia, baby brine. I also feed live brine once or twice a month

10) What are your goals in this hobby? For example are you looking to keep discus in a planted community tank, or do you hope to become a hobby breeder of Discus? Do you want to raise Discus with the hopes of competing in shows?

04-19-2013, 06:02 PM
Hey and welcome to the forum. You will not find a more informative group than here. Alot of experienced hobbiest and a ton of reading material to guide you through your set up. I too had a heavy planted tank with co2 injection, however found that low tech swords, crypts anubiuas etc..with a sand base sub worked best for me, easier cleaning less trimming, which more time to do WC and enjoy my discus. Good luck to you and you will not find better quality, healthy discus than sponsors on this site. :thumbsup:

04-19-2013, 06:33 PM
I will say I like the idea. I know SD already has the "introduce yourself"-type thread but combining that with the "whatcha got"-thing is pretty good and all the basics wrapped into one. The old thread is waaay too far along though. Like Troy said, welcome to the forum. Just use the search function in each category to find anything you want to read up on. There are tons of great people on here that will help you but just first try to find what you're looking for and if it's a pain in the butt and a word that's too common and pulls up too many threads to weed through then just reach out to the forum, let'em know you searched, and you'll get plenty of perspectives/stories/good experiences/bad experiences/etc. In the mean time, go ahead and find the thread about sharing who you are. Then we'll judge whether or not we like you ;) (kidding on the last part!)

Fish from Philly
04-22-2013, 04:54 PM
Thanks for responses. I admit I lost this thread and have started a new one about positioning the outflows of my filters. I know discus aren't fans of huge current so wasn't sure if two FX5s would be too much or not. I set them up in the corners of the tanks so that the center is open w/ little current.

I decided to go with light blue background, keep the white gravel but only use it to build up the corners and will use eco complete for planted areas and light pool filter sand for center. I will attach java fern,moss,lace and anubias to driftwood. I plan to use some swords and crypts in the small planting areas in the corners. What do you think?

Pics here:

04-22-2013, 05:24 PM
nice setup, love the wood. You cant have too much filteration, just keep an eye on the current but I think you will be fine. The crypts will look nice and give you height and accented with swords. Lightly planted gives you less maintenance and a clean look IMO. I have crypts in the back of tank and swords and some wyndti scattered in the corners. When its set up with lovely discus post us some pics..... again look for the sponsors on the forum you will find some great healthy discus here....

04-24-2013, 06:18 PM
If you can you should try consider a sump. If you already have the canisters go for it. For some reason I notice that the canisters are nitrate factories and are a hassle to keep up with cleaning. I have an fx5 hooked up to my 55 gallon tank that has two oscars and two plecos and my fx5 is taking a horrible beating... really wish I could set up a sump but the corner stand doesn't allow it. My 72 gallon tank on the other hand with a 33 gallon sump is the reason why I will always choose sump first...and yes Im on the sump bandwagon!

04-24-2013, 06:19 PM
Just saw the pic and you already have the equipment so go for it lol guess the oscars are just too much for my 'fx5

Fish from Philly
04-25-2013, 03:37 PM
Yeah it came with 3 canisters so I'm going to keep them set up. It doesn't seem too powerful, especially in the middle. Halfway done the tank and will post pics when complete. Thanks!

Fish from Philly
04-29-2013, 10:29 AM
Sand is down and tank is cycled. Only thing left to do is attach java fern and moss to some of the driftwood pieces. I don't want to plant the right side of the tank so it will be easier to maintain. I'm considering selling the driftwood on the right and leaving it completely open (especially when I get discus). Plants used are vals, anubia, cripts, and swords. Also considering selling the Marineland double bright LEDs for a T5 setup to help grow and brighten up the tank.

Appreciate the comments!


04-29-2013, 01:45 PM
I really like the setup just as is. Personally I'd even leave the wood on the right side also, as it does provide a sense of shelter for Discus to go and hang around in. This will give them plenty of places to move around and I don't think it's taking up that much room. Congrats