View Full Version : Canisters, Powerheads, and Emperors oh My..opinions please!!!

04-22-2013, 11:33 AM
Not to get into major details, but quick background info..180 gallon tank, filtered currently with C360 and powerhead with pre-fliter attachment. 12 (2.5 inch discus) looking to keep 8 adults from juvies.

I want to keep my current canister but am looking to do 1 of the following:

1) I have an extra C220 canister. Should I ad that to current tank and keep other 2 filters.
2) Ad C220 and ditch the powerhead (surface only)
3) Ditch the powerhead and ad power filter for surface agitation.

I want to remove the powerhead and keep good surface agiation and water movement. I was looking to do #3 and ad an 280 Bio Wheel Powerfilter loaded only with biomedia. I do plenty of large WCs so are 2 canister necessary or not. I need surface agitation, but hate looking at the power head in the tank.

04-22-2013, 11:46 AM
I adding an emperor 400 too much? I realize most just run for the bio-wheel?

04-22-2013, 01:41 PM
You can always direct the outflow from your C220 canister filter to just break the surface of the water. The C360 is only rated up to 100 gallons.

Personal advice, replace the C220 if you can with;

Option 1, find a Fluval 405/406 canister. This filter can hold a ton of media for bigger tanks.

Option 2, would be to lose the powerhead and just as I mentioned re-direct the flow upward of your outlet tube and run the Emperor 400.

Option 3, 1 Rena XP5 canister and 1 Fuval 405/406. This will handle anything you have in that 180.

You can always add a bubble wand to the back of the tank for air and it helps with the agitation of the water.

Good luck. Hope this helps.

04-22-2013, 01:57 PM
Yes it helps, my C360 is fully loaded with bio media in every compartment. I am leaning towards no C220 and just getting the ML-400 filter. I had 2 C360, but one finally broke down after multiple years of use. I am leaning toward only 1 canister, getting tired of cleaning them out.

04-22-2013, 02:47 PM
If you run 2 canisters, and keep up on the water changes, you should only have to rinse them out about every 3 to 4 weeks. I have Rena XP4 and a Fluval 405 on my 110 gal tank and clean them out once a month. But I change 50% water 3 times a week.

04-22-2013, 04:04 PM

04-22-2013, 10:37 PM
I ended up ordering 2- emperor 280's. I will use the canister filter and the 2 powerfilters. I am just going to put a sponge in each power filter. Petco has an online sale of 25% off the 280's were only $27 each.