View Full Version : Direction of outflow from filter

Fish from Philly
04-22-2013, 01:37 PM
Hey everyone,
Thanks for the tips on the move! It went smoothly and happy to report everything is set up with water currently being cycled. I'm attaching pictures of what I plan for my 150 gallon low tech plated tank set up. I have 2 FX5 canister filters and another 406 that I'm not setting up yet. How should I set the outflows up so that I have the best circulation and ease of maintenance? Intuitively I set to run around perimeter, one up and one down per filter. My plan is to put some stem plants in the back wall and keep the middle open for swimming with the corners being "built up" with gravel and then placing the large driftwood pieces on top.


04-22-2013, 01:48 PM
If you have 2 intakes and 2 outputs, you can always put the intakes about 24" from the sides (if your 150 is 6' long) and your output lines about 6" from the corners directing the water towards the front/center part of the tank. This way you will have water pushing at the center and it kind of directs the debris towards the bottom center where your intakes are located.

Fish from Philly
04-22-2013, 02:00 PM
Thanks a lot

Chad Hughes
04-22-2013, 02:39 PM
+1 and get rid of the gravel. Use sand.

Fish from Philly
04-22-2013, 03:11 PM
The gravel is really just to build up the corner to create grade change. The center open area will be sand. I'm planning to use eco complete where the plants will be

Chad Hughes
04-22-2013, 04:34 PM
I see. Make sure the sand layer stays on top. Much easier cleanup! :D

Fish from Philly
04-22-2013, 04:47 PM
Do you think I should put sand layer on top of the eco complete as well? Was thinking could look cool with "plateau" of dark substrate only in the corners but know it will eventually mix with the other sand/gravel. Will probably leave eco complete exposed for now until it mixes over the month then will simply add more sand on top.