View Full Version : Could you classify my fishes? Which species are they?

04-25-2013, 09:44 AM
Dear friends,

I know my fishes species as "Red Turks" they have varity of different patterns, I can be wrong, I'm not sure at all.. For a long time I wonder about other people's opinions about it. I recorded a video as an example of 2 fishes, you can see it below.. (The one on the right and left)

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Kind Regards

04-26-2013, 08:52 AM
Well the species is real easy....they are discus.

The strain is what you are trying to ask about. They are all turquoise. You can call them red or blue depending on the fish. Lots of turq lines will throw some of both.


04-28-2013, 06:59 PM
Well the species is real easy....they are discus.

The strain is what you are trying to ask about. They are all turquoise. You can call them red or blue depending on the fish. Lots of turq lines will throw some of both.


Thank you for giving information Mr Nicholson.