View Full Version : Fresh meat in the community tank

04-25-2013, 08:07 PM
Howdy folks!
Though I'll probably lurk for the most part, I thought I'd throw a :wave: in case I did post.

I've had at least one tank on line for 20 years. I went through the intense phase many do in many hobbies when they get really hooked, taste success and find out it's not as hard as originally thought and did not require a degree in chemistry. I had 18 tanks online in a small townhouse for awhile and 4 were 40g tanks of Angelfish fry getting 90% changes daily. It was nuts but I wasn't paying for electricity or water in Navy housing and was having a blast. Especially when I discovered they're not nearly as sensitive as had been described to me. Shoot, I was doing changes straight from the tap, raising fry and letting the kids take bags into pet shops and sell 'em. :) I goofed around and got some other cichlids and gouramis to breed. I was always taken by Discus. Not too long before moving to the new house, I'd taken my ex to a ChicagoCichlidAssociation auction. She ended up buying a trio of Discus somehow. OMG! No problem. ON the way home I stopped and picked up a new 35g tank, filter and heater and broke that tank in with the new discus. They thrived until I left 6 months later to catch my last ship.

Anywho... I finally did a tune up on the old 55g this winter, added some hardscape and brought some new kids home. It's looking so nice, active and full that it's rekindled my old flame for fish keeping. I still can't make that step to saltwater that I've always wanted with a bigass Lionfish, so I've decided I'm going to add a discus tank.

Looks like a nice place in here and I appreciate being able to wander around.

04-25-2013, 08:42 PM
Welcome to Simply :)

07-03-2013, 08:55 AM
I wonder if there's a 12 step program or medication for this syndrome, which is probably common. "a discus tank" has turned into three tanks and 22 fish in various stages of grow out. I'm over fished and under tanked but walking around with a stupid grin all the time.

Houston... I think we have a problem.

07-03-2013, 09:34 AM
I wonder if there's a 12 step program or medication for this syndrome, which is probably common. "a discus tank" has turned into three tanks and 22 fish in various stages of grow out. I'm over fished and under tanked but walking around with a stupid grin all the time.

Houston... I think we have a problem.

I said the very same thing a few years ago.. Oh no honey I promise no more fish.. 13 tanks later and a dedicated 10 ft x 10 ft room, I'm still trying to figure out how to put 4 more tanks in there..

Second Hand Pat
07-03-2013, 10:19 AM
When you are hooked, your hooked. Only way to stop is cold turkey.

07-03-2013, 12:08 PM
aw crap... i was hoping ya'll had a magic answer for me.

I should've heeded some earlier advice: Get Out! :)


Second Hand Pat
07-03-2013, 12:09 PM
Too late :D

07-03-2013, 12:47 PM
I wonder if there's a 12 step program or medication for this syndrome, which is probably common. "a discus tank" has turned into three tanks and 22 fish in various stages of grow out. I'm over fished and under tanked but walking around with a stupid grin all the time.

Houston... I think we have a problem.

I have an addicts thread in my homesteader. You can start by tinroducing yourself there lmao!

07-03-2013, 05:05 PM
Save me a seat.

07-04-2013, 08:40 AM
An addiction yes, but a good one as far as I can tell. I enjoy my addiction. Thankfully my husband puts up with it all and I can even trust him to feed tanks. Just nothing else with them other than watching and enjoying the views. I tried to teach him to do wc's when I had arm surgery, but that didn't work. I am not allowed to put a tank in his den or our bedroom, otherwise all other rooms are OK. Enjoy it all Blaine!

07-04-2013, 09:27 AM
Ha... is there a tv in 'your' bedroom? I bet he watches more than you. Just in case you're feeling testy one day, throw that card on the table to squeeze a tank in the boudoir.

Just about all addictions (at least what I've succumbed to) are money pits though. Even you might sell/swap something and give you a temporary sense of justification, it doesn't scratch the surface of the outlay of case. I think that's what creates a lot of small time breeders (fish,dog,cat,OctoMoms), propagators, builders (skateboard/longboard) and stuff. You want more of what you're doing but really can't afford it. Buy, breed, sell! Yeah!! That'll make some money and give me lots and lots of stuff around. :)

"One thing leads to another" seems to be a common denominator of my obsessions. Go to a nursery and OH MAN, MUST HAVE! I'll figure out where to put it when I get home which usually means more work because I have to move stuff around or cull to accommodate. That or coerce my buddy into taking something to free up room for me.
Now I've got a pair of 40g breeders (courtesy of SD alerting me to the PetCo $1 a gallon sale) which in turn will require tops and stands which I don't have. :)

I need to go find Brandon's addiction thread.

07-04-2013, 08:24 PM
I need to go find Brandon's addiction thread.

LOL at least introduce yourself. I was the same way. Then you have so many tanks and fish you realize you don't have enough time or you need a helper and they usually don't work for free. So then it's time to downsize a bit.

07-04-2013, 09:26 PM
I am not allowed to put a tank in his den or our bedroom, otherwise all other rooms are OK.

Ha... is there a tv in 'your' bedroom? I bet he watches more than you. Just in case you're feeling testy one day, throw that card on the table to squeeze a tank in the boudoir.
Wait a minute... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v470/tazfreeatlast/stuff/Smileys/secret.gif

We have a 54 corner discus tank in our bedroom... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v470/tazfreeatlast/stuff/Smileys/blush2.gif

Maybe we should go find that thread too. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v470/tazfreeatlast/stuff/Smileys/search.gif http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v470/tazfreeatlast/stuff/Smileys/search_girl.gif

07-04-2013, 10:08 PM
Wait a minute... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v470/tazfreeatlast/stuff/Smileys/secret.gif

We have a 54 corner discus tank in our bedroom... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v470/tazfreeatlast/stuff/Smileys/blush2.gif

Maybe we should go find that thread too. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v470/tazfreeatlast/stuff/Smileys/search.gif http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v470/tazfreeatlast/stuff/Smileys/search_girl.gif

In our defense, we don't have a tv in the bedroom.