View Full Version : How do u QT discus or other tankmates for discus?

05-03-2013, 03:08 PM
how should i go about mixing discus with other dither fish(cardinals, rummynose, corys, algae eaters)?

if discus are the first ones to go in, then do i still need to QT after its been QTined from importer like Kenny?
i think he uses medication also right?

when i QT all other fish, do i put them in methylene blue or what do i do? i read the sticky and its pretty much just holding til a problem occurs but it doesnt say how to deal with it or whether i should prevent it.

05-03-2013, 03:34 PM
If the tank is new with no other fish add the discus right away. The rest of your fish add after qt them for at least a couple weeks to make sure they are healthy. I run fish that are not from a trusted source with metro and prazi just to be sure.

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05-03-2013, 03:42 PM
If you have a QT tank and add fish to it, I would only add one type at a time. This way you can see if there are any issues from that specific source or not. Then wait the appropriate time (2 to 3 weeks) and if no issues, you can add them to the discus tank. Do this for each supplier.

As far as what meds to use, you have a few choices like Meth Blue, Metro and Prazi as suggested by Lipadj46. If I am not mistaken, some people also QT using PP.

05-03-2013, 03:42 PM
whats prazi? how much metro do i add?

05-03-2013, 03:45 PM
can u send me a good link on which meds and how to use them to QT fish?

i already purchase a group of cardinals cuz they were so healthy and were raised for yrs in someones tank. but i also am getting kennys discus in few weeks.
guy with cardinals said he can hold it for a week or so.
i plan to just add discus straight to main tank as very first fish and then QT the cardinals with meds before they join discus in the main tank.

05-03-2013, 03:50 PM
If you read the "stickies" in the disease section of the forum, you will find most of the answers to your questions on meds. Some great right-ups there. Usually each medication has its own dosage right on the label. If you follow those instructions, you should be ok.

Remember though, you are not treating a disease, you are QT to prevent any. I would not worry to much about going out and buying all the meds on the market unless you really need to. It is a good idea to have them, but don't panic if you don't; most pet stores carry them for you.