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View Full Version : Albino Discus ...needs glasses???

05-08-2013, 06:13 AM
I think my albino discus is having problems seeing.

Check out the vid and tell me what you think.



05-08-2013, 07:55 AM
Look normal to me

05-08-2013, 08:03 AM
Watch the first 20secs of the video.

He takes like 3-4 attempts before he succeeds. This also happens when the food is on the bottom too.
All the other discus, usually succeed on the first attempt at the food.

I also read some where that albino cory cats have poor eye sight, and was wondering if this is also true for albino discus fish.

05-08-2013, 08:18 AM
He must see well enough. It doesn't look like he's missed many meals...pretty fish. I have a couple of non-albinos that seem to have bad aim as well. My 2 ARSG do not have that issue at all. That being said, albinos apparently have shortcomings with their vision that non-albinos do not.


05-08-2013, 08:19 AM
Yes, alot of albino discus have poor vision.

05-08-2013, 08:30 AM
Cool.... thanks for confirming.

I had bought one turq discus from an LFS and his one eye was not normal, I returned him and got another.

Guess, i'm glad this is not the case with this albino discus.

He seems to go crazy for tetrabits....worms not so much...sorta weird. LOL

05-08-2013, 07:50 PM
Cool.... thanks for confirming.

I had bought one turq discus from an LFS and his one eye was not normal, I returned him and got another.

Guess, i'm glad this is not the case with this albino discus.

He seems to go crazy for tetrabits....worms not so much...sorta weird. LOL

Of my kids with fins, I have one that can see perfectly well..and still misses. His aim is horrible...but he eats plenty, so I'm not worried. I also have one that absolutely refuses bloodworms...go figure.

05-09-2013, 12:43 AM
haha .. fin kids..

Are they albino strains too?

05-09-2013, 01:35 PM
haha .. fin kids..

Are they albino strains too?

Actually, no... they're Red Turqs and a PB mutt runt.