View Full Version : Albino Cobalt bizarre behavior

05-13-2013, 11:58 AM
I've got an albino cobalt that is just odd. A couple of months ago I moved my discus from a 120 to a 220. The 220 has an air stone in one corner and the albino cobalt has decided that the bubble stream is "hers" and vigorously defends it. At first I was afraid she was segregating herself from the others as a submissive discus and was going to stop eating, but after a lot of observation she's anything but submissive. So for two months now she's been defending these bubbles, sometimes my other (I believe male) albino cobalt joins her in this foolishness. She stares at the bubbles and often shakes at them as well. I rearranged the tank to see if it's just the area/driftwood that she is defending in preparation for laying eggs, but it's the darn bubbles. As long as she doesn't get too disruptive, I'll leave the air stone in but I'll be keeping my eye on her obsession.

05-13-2013, 01:02 PM
Fish are funny sometimes.

When I was growing out my batch I had some driftwood in the tank and my blue ss was about 3 inches at the time. She took to claiming it and would swim these wierd circles around it flipping herself upside down in the process over and over. I thought something was wrong at first. Turns out she was just playing. She's always been the spunky one of the bunch.

05-13-2013, 01:29 PM
So long as she's eating well, chalk it up to a personality thing and enjoy. =)

I had one discus who uprooted plants every single night just for fun, then chased them around as they floated at the top of the tank. I'd replant in the morning, he'd uproot at night. Once the plants were out, he started dislodging the glass thermometer! He'd knock it lose, then do the same thing, chase it and bump it around the top of the tank.

He also liked to turn on his side at the surfaace and flip his fin super fast at me whenever he was hungry. I nick named him Sarah Bernhardt cuz gosh that guy was a great little actor. "Feed me NOW, can't you see that I'm circling the drain here????" LOL

Discus have some really hilarious personalities.

05-13-2013, 03:10 PM
The alpha in my tank does the same thing. He just sits in the middle of the stream and sometimes "eats" the bubbles lol

05-13-2013, 03:21 PM
Discus can do the darnest things. When I fill the dark angel tank, the male loves wading through the water as it enters the tank. He just keeps coming at it. So fish also have different personalities.

05-13-2013, 05:13 PM
I'm glad mine isn't the only eccentric one. Fish sure do have different quirks. After watching the tank quite a bit this afternoon, I think I'll pull the air stone or at least move it. She is now keeping everyone else in the tank in the top left hand corner and no one is happy about that.

05-13-2013, 10:38 PM
Hmmmm....are those bubbles coming out of a water pipe? :)

Discus Ranz
05-15-2013, 02:45 AM
I have an aggresive Ruby Red that thinks its hilarious to come up and tail slap the surface everytime I feed them.......soaking me and the side of the tank. I swear I can almost see it laughing sometimes. That, or I need time away from my tanks!:coffee:


Discus Ranz
05-15-2013, 02:46 AM
I have an aggresive Ruby Red that thinks its hilarious to come up and tail slap the surface everytime I feed them.......soaking me and the side of the tank. I swear I can almost see it laughing sometimes. That, or I need time away from my tanks!:coffee:


05-15-2013, 07:27 AM
Hmmmm....are those bubbles coming out of a water pipe? :)

Maybe that explains it!