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05-23-2013, 11:30 PM
What kind of carbon block is everybody using to take chlorine out of the water. I have an R/O unit but I use it on my breeders. I want to run the tap water for the grow out tanks but don't want to use prime.


05-23-2013, 11:40 PM
Then you have to run it through a RO style filter with carbon in it. Home Depot sells individual water canister filters and you can get carbon cartridges for them. You can run as many in line as you want from 1-999999

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05-30-2013, 12:29 AM
Thanks Derek, I just ordered some cartridges from the filter guys.

05-30-2013, 12:39 AM
This is what I was highly recomended and it is USA made too. I have a 1micron sediment then these two carbon filters so three in a row hooked up to my auto water for aver 50 tanks.

2 x Omnipure OMB-934-5M cartridges they won’t add phosphate like the ones you have been using and by using 2 carbon cartridges in line you will be able to have a very high treatment rate at around 8 litres per minute.

06-07-2013, 09:01 AM
You may have already figured out what you're going to do, but I thought I would just chime in. The wastewater ('brine') from your RO unit has already been sediment/carbon filtered (assuming you have these on your RO unit). If you're just putting this down the drain you're throwing away good water. Why buy another filter to do what your RO unit is doing already at 10+ times the amount of RO you get.


06-07-2013, 12:07 PM
this is good stuff and may save me. I am listening how you use wastewater.

sorry not try to H/J but i couldn't pm Stu.