View Full Version : Need help with fungus/algea growth on manzanita

05-24-2013, 03:29 PM

05-24-2013, 03:34 PM
I had a similar problem and it was due to too much light. After I toned down the light from 4 bulbs to 2 it seemed to go away. I then left it outside in the cold (was in January) on a couple of 20 degree days and it was gone and never came back. Now I am back to 4 bulbs with no issues.

05-24-2013, 05:17 PM
I was told by my LFS (These guys are very, very good) that adding Flourish Excel would reduce algae. It is as source of organic carbon. I have a planted tank and it worked!! It did not seem like it would but it worked. It might not work in a BB tank.

05-24-2013, 07:52 PM
Flourish excel is a marketing joke about the carbon source. It has algaecide in it which would be the only reason it worked on algae on the wood.

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05-27-2013, 10:40 AM
Do you have to add the excel every day?

05-27-2013, 10:43 AM
I had a similar problem and it was due to too much light. After I toned down the light from 4 bulbs to 2 it seemed to go away. I then left it outside in the cold (was in January) on a couple of 20 degree days and it was gone and never came back. Now I am back to 4 bulbs with no issues.

I'm intrigued!!! Perhaps instead of boiling the wood...I should be freezing it!!! As far as the lighting goes.....I did switch to led lighting...but....I use the red/blue option more than the white bulbs. Could this be the problem?

05-27-2013, 03:45 PM
This may not be your problem, but I had a problem with a new, large piece of driftwood. It developed a "whitish film" over most of it's surface. If I cleaned it off, it just grew back. On another forum I read where Bushy Nose plecos would eat it. I added some, and they completely cleaned it up in a day's time, and it never came back(or they keep it constantly cleaned off, don't know which) They are great, hardy little fish in my opinion, and more than earn their keep. I have fallen in love with them!

Becky from Ky

05-27-2013, 03:55 PM
^ Manzanita will develop that white film when you first put it in a tank. After the wood ages a bit it will disappear. Plecos do eat it. My driftwood grows a nasty black looking film/algae but my plecos will strip a piece clean of that overnight. I also realized that cichlid fry will eat it, so now I put pieces covered in the black gunk in my fry tanks and they graze off of it until it's gone.

05-27-2013, 04:09 PM
The "whitish film" is common in new Manzanita branches and it is harmless. It will go away. Just clean it up during water changes. I would not add a pleco just for that reason. You do not explain what type of algae you are having on the Manzanita, but I assume it is brown algae. As Elliots, I have found that Flourish Excel works well as a algaecide. I also use a PhosBan reactor to remove phosphate, a major source of algae. By using Excel and the reactor and by increasing water circulation my algae problem improved a lot. However, brown algae still develops in the Manzanita with time.

05-28-2013, 10:13 AM
Derekff says Excell has an algaecide in it. I do not know I will check the bottle when I get home. It does work however. I added it daily.

06-02-2013, 08:34 AM
I have 4 bn plecos in my 60 gallon tank and they can't begin to keep this algea under control......I'm going to try Fritz, which is an algaecide from kensfish....does anyone have any experience with it? And, can anyone identify the type of algea I have? It's grey, and it blankets areas as it grows. It gets long enough to wave to me, from the current from the filter.

06-02-2013, 08:39 AM
A few months later after freezing it for a couple days Kris and still no algae.

06-02-2013, 08:59 AM
Any tips on how to freeze a LARGE piece of manzanita? Do you think adding ice to a large container would do the trick?

06-02-2013, 09:06 AM
Well sadly now with the warm weather its not going to help. I did mine in winter.

I heard once that if you you put the wood in a large black garbage bag and tie it off so no air gets in, it will kill some forms of algae. I don't know anyone personally who has tried it though.

Know anyone with a walk in freezer? Lol

06-02-2013, 11:06 AM
Since my husband works for kroger........maby he can utilize their freezer!!! But, I'm beginning to think that what I have is a fungus. It dosent look like the green algea that I get on my background...it's a grey fuzzy halo, that covers my wood...it grows out rather than long. What do you think? Would the freezing method work on a fungus?

06-02-2013, 11:14 AM
I had that too. Thats why the cold killed it off.

06-02-2013, 11:16 AM
Very interesting....so, you think it's a fungus????

06-02-2013, 11:27 PM
... It's grey, and it blankets areas as it grows. It gets long enough to wave to me, from the current from the filter.

Google hair algae. Particularly pesky perpetrator for the reefers. Red light is an algae enabler. Phosphates and nitrates feed the fire. Of course water changes reduces them but its temporary.
Think about the amount and intensity of light the coral needs. Hence the salt water tank's propensity for hair algae.
There are phosphate removers which may be of use if your source water is the problem.
You might consider this ... http://chem-marin.com/products.html

The only time I've ever had algae was when I've had planted tanks and lights on. No live plants and tank lights only briefly used, no algae. Except for that red crap in the 55g community that's been online for 9 years.


Edit: freezing is a good thing. Someone in the house have rank stanky gym shoes? Put them puppies in the freezer over night. Kills the bacteria which causes the stench.

06-03-2013, 04:51 AM
Ok...that's what it looks like........will the algaecide I ordered get rid of it?

06-03-2013, 10:44 AM
Well, I'd hope it lives up to it's advertising. I've never tried to rid tanks of algae with chemicals. I'm hesitant (ok, paranoid) about introducing anything besides and water, air and food to my tanks.
The planted tanks that had algae, I just kept it to a dull roar. Plecos won't eat everything and in my personal experience, anything not green was left alone. I had some of that nasty black hairy, clump crap get started in one tank. It came in on some plants from an LFS (live and learn). Eventually I shut that tank down, tossed all plants, bleached it into oblivion and let everything go bone dry for a week after rinsing before storing it all. I never had it return when I put that gear back in service.

Kind of like my garden, you have to put up with a few weeds or become a stone cone alcoholic stressing over perfection. :) As some others mentioned, you might end up having to ditch the manzanita to avoid therapy.


06-03-2013, 10:47 AM
You know, I've seen it suggested that R/O eliminates the problem since everything is stripped out of the water. I'd be interested to see some members who run R/O chime in if they've ever had algae problems. I wouldn't go that route just for the sake of combating algae but it'd be nice to hear some hands on experience.

06-04-2013, 04:41 AM
I'm still not sure if it's an algea or a fungus......still waiting for the algaecide to arrive!!!

06-09-2013, 08:57 AM
Ok...the fritz algeacide has arrived! I tried it on my community tank first......it got rid of the algae, and all the fish are fine!!! The real test is.....will it stay gone, for an extended period? If it does.......I will then consider using it at half strength in my discus aquarium!!! CONSIDER is a big word though....
I've found that what I have IS an algae!!! I've had the slimy stuff that appears on wood early on, and then goes away....,this is different!! I've tried boiling, bleaching, bn plecos...non of which work for more than a few weeks! Sooooooo, I will keep you guys posted!!!!!

06-09-2013, 09:36 AM
[QUOTE=8ftbed;1004716]You know, I've seen it suggested that R/O eliminates the problem since everything is stripped out of the water. I'd be interested to see some members who run R/O chime in if they've ever had algae problems. QUOTE]

I run 100% r/0, into a 125 planted.
I remineralize and fert the water column to get things just right. When the tank was brand new I had some diatoms, but i was feeding a bit much. Never had any algea except on the glass lid immediately underneath the light source (L.E.D.) I run the lights for a total of 9 hours per day.
I am however combating a new fungus outbreak, definately fungus, started out on my manzanita wood, spread to random locations throughout the tank. With water changes i wipe it off and try to get it all but... well. I started pimafix + salt two days ago. Fingers crossed.

06-09-2013, 03:49 PM
Can you describe it? With my problem, cutting back on lighting seems to make NO difference at all! It grows back on the first day after cleaning it..light, or no light...I don't get it!!!

06-09-2013, 06:11 PM
It's hair algae . As far as asking your husband is they'll allow him to store it at work, in one is their freezers... health regulations wouldn't allow it. Down here there's a company called ready ice.. they deliver ice to all the convenience stores and grocery stores. Maybe you can ask them if you can use their walk-in freezer.. I know it's a stretch but it doesn't hurt to ask.

06-09-2013, 06:15 PM
Even if you use ro water... you'll still have algae growth in your aquarium.

06-09-2013, 06:56 PM
Good to know on the R/O. That was my own inclination as opposed to a recommendation posted elsewhere. Probably parroted misinformation vice personal experience. Thanks.

06-10-2013, 05:00 PM
Im still waiting to see if the algae grows back in my community tank....if it does...I plan to look into the freezing method!!
I did some research on hair algea, and it does not seem to be what I am plagued with. What I have is grey, fuzzy, and dense! It will grow fairly long and thick...but is not hair like...no strands...soooo, I'm not sure what kind it is! But it is frustrating me BIG time!! I'm determined to get rid of it!!

06-10-2013, 05:20 PM
What you are describing isn't hair algae. That white/greyish stuff that seems to bloom out of the manzanita wood is a type of fungus. I very much doubt you're going to do anything to get rid of it for good. I scrub mine off with a toothbrush once in awhile while doing water changes and just suck it up in the hose. It ALWAYS comes back -- even after soaking for days in strong strong bleach or pp. There are several threads on the forum regarding this and it seems quite common. Some have said it eventually went away. I'm going on somewhere around a year and a half and so far that isn't my experience. Regardless, chemicals for algae are just a waste of your money because they aren't going to help. Unless the sight of it really bothers you, you really don't have to worry about it because it isn't harmful. Best of luck.

06-10-2013, 05:59 PM
Post a pic of it... That would help


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06-11-2013, 04:28 PM
Ok...I'll have to wait for it to grow back again...when it does...I'll post it!!

06-11-2013, 04:31 PM
I think you are probably right...thanks for finally putting an end to my insanity!! Lol

What you are describing isn't hair algae. That white/greyish stuff that seems to bloom out of the manzanita wood is a type of fungus. I very much doubt you're going to do anything to get rid of it for good. I scrub mine off with a toothbrush once in awhile while doing water changes and just suck it up in the hose. It ALWAYS comes back -- even after soaking for days in strong strong bleach or pp. There are several threads on the forum regarding this and it seems quite common. Some have said it eventually went away. I'm going on somewhere around a year and a half and so far that isn't my experience. Regardless, chemicals for algae are just a waste of your money because they aren't going to help. Unless the sight of it really bothers you, you really don't have to worry about it because it isn't harmful. Best of luck.