View Full Version : Diagnosis needed, please help!

05-24-2013, 08:52 PM
Hi, I am having these 2" juveniles and 2 of them seems to develop some sort of white patches and white spot on the fins. The Red Passion is having white patch on the dorsal fin and tail while the Penang Eruption is having white spot on the dorsal fin. Both of them are not feeding. Water changes is 50% daily, I am not sure it is fin rot or white itch but now I am putting them on the General Aid solution (the green stuff which claimed to cure fin fot and other diseases).

My water parameters are below:
pH - 7
NH4 - 0ppm
NO2 - 0.1ppm
NO3 - 30ppm
Temp - 32C

Could you guys help to identify the diseases? Thanks ...

05-24-2013, 09:20 PM
fin rot..... NO3 is way too high......

I think your water is not good enough for the discus..... do WC first before trying any med ....

05-25-2013, 12:23 PM
Thanks for the advice. I did a 100% WC, now the fishes are alright without the white stuff and I just put salt only with no meds.