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Bud Smith
06-06-2013, 03:50 PM
You read alot of threads about sick discus and they need this and that. The expense of the purchase and keeping them healthy. But I just had to remind myself of how much enjoyment they bring to me. I come home from work at night and its been a hard day and when I enter my fish room they all come to the front of the tank (yea, I know they want food) but after they have been fed they will still watch and follow you from one of the tank as you move through the room. The fry are swimming in a school, the juvies just picking on each other and the adults having that slow majestic movement through the tank in their bright colors. I sit in my chair, turn the ceiling fan on and watch everybody - just reflect on the day and wind down. Then I hear this loud voice - its my wife lol
Man, I love my hobby

06-06-2013, 03:54 PM
Sitting in your chair with a drink I hope? Lol

I know the feeling Bud. After a hard day of work I come home to work even harder than I do my normal job somedays, but the results are worth the hard work. Well until the wife starts yelling "feed me" since I do all the cooking.

We love the hobby Bud, only wish sometimes that it just wasn't so hard.

06-06-2013, 04:25 PM
I do the same. Every day after work I pour a scotch and do my water change. I then sit and unwind while watching them eat some FDBWs or some live white worms/blackworms. My wife used to complain but I think now she understands the discus are part of my "mental health" regime and does not bother me during this time, my kids even know this is "daddy time"

06-06-2013, 04:39 PM
Discus is therapeutic

06-06-2013, 04:46 PM
They are nice to watch and as long as you follow the 3 golden rules......clean water, good food, and only buy healthy stock....they never get sick.


06-06-2013, 04:49 PM
I'm with you lipadj46- 21 year old Springbank single malt here- Taste like a warm smoked oatmeal coconut cookie-

06-06-2013, 04:55 PM
I'm with you lipadj46- 21 year old Springbank single malt here- Taste like a warm smoked oatmeal coconut cookie-

I'm on a teacher's salary LOL, right now I'm sipping Macallan 12. Tastes like heaven...

Bud Smith
06-06-2013, 05:06 PM
Sitting in your chair with a drink I hope? Lol

I know the feeling Bud. After a hard day of work I come home to work even harder than I do my normal job somedays, but the results are worth the hard work. Well until the wife starts yelling "feed me" since I do all the cooking.

We love the hobby Bud, only wish sometimes that it just wasn't so hard. Believe or not I am sitting in my fishroom right now having a Bud select getting ready for my water changes - Just flipped the switch for the pump - break time

06-06-2013, 05:40 PM
I'm with you guys on this. My 180 gallons set up is like a massage chair for me relax after work and more important it helps me to cool down whenever I'm a fight with my fiancé. I won't feel tired when I do water change after 10 hours work at my office plus 1 hour drive home from work (hate 405 fwy traffic ). People think I'm crazy for spend close to 5k for my set up, but I think it is worth every penny to me.

06-06-2013, 08:14 PM

My evening routine is to come home from work, let the dogs out, feed the pirhanas (read:discus) and then sit back and watch. They are so graceful, and beautiful. Once they're done destroying whatever I fed them, they majestically glide around the tank...and then Mini-Me (my stunted runt) buzzes around the tank, running his much larger tankmates into the plants until they tire of him and run him back to his corner. Their antics are almost you-tube worthy :D

but... my drink of choice is a hearty red wine like a Zinfandel.

06-07-2013, 12:00 AM
I'm new to the Discus Life but I know what you're all talking about. Caring for and watching my discus is calming and relaxing. I look forward to it each day. Definitely looking forward to learning and enjoying this wonderful fish!!!

Red wine drink of choice here when watching...