View Full Version : Introducing dime sized 'Fry' with Juvies?

06-08-2013, 02:33 PM
Another discus newbie here. First off thank you for this forum! It has been a wealth of knowledge and a major factor in my fish surviving and thriving.

So this might be a dumb question but I wanted to ask - can dime sized discus survive in the same tank with 3-4 inch juvies?

My current tank setup: 75 gallon fully cycled with six 6 month old 3-4inch blue cobalt and blue diamond juvies (raised from dime size), one 6inch adult angel, two 3inch clown loach and one common pleco currently about 5-6inches. I also have 6 dime sized (spotted leopord I believe) red discus which are currently housed in a guppie breeder suspended in the 75 gallon tank. I've had them in there for approx two weeks and can tell they are growing to the point where they need to stretch their fins. I have pictures but don't think I can post them yet.

My hope is that the discus natural instinct is to accept the younger discus into their school. But my fear is that the discus juvies in particular will attack, peck and attempt to eat the dime sized. Feeding time is also another concern...the blue juvies are ferocious little eaters. :shocked: But I really like the idea of watching the little guys all 'grow up' together. I'm just afraid that this is more idealistic and not realistic. I want them to have the chance to grow and not stunt the little guys either (these daily WC's aren't for fun :laugh:).

My other option at the moment is a 10gallon which was cycled fishless and currently has 4 nickel sized angels in the tank. Would this be a better option for the time being? Any insight is greatly appreciated!


06-08-2013, 02:51 PM
NO, niether of your options is a particullary good one. Get them there own 3-40 gallon tank for now, it them with plenty of good food and 2x as day water changes if you want them to grow to thier full potential. Suspending them in a guppy breeder is just asking for trouble and you need to get them out of there before you do permanent damage (if you already havent done so).


06-08-2013, 04:58 PM
Thanks for the response - what's the reason the 10 gallon is a poor option at this stage with the dime size?

I'm already on a 1x a day 50% WC (maybe not the optimal but I think reasonable for me) and feed 5-6 times with beef heart for the little guys. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of room to set up multiple sizable tanks. Although a 40G might be doable.