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View Full Version : how do I stabalize temperature in aquarium?

06-22-2013, 05:46 AM
I havea a house that constantly changes. I know the aqaurium needs to stay warm in the 80's. Does anyone have a heater that auto stabalizes around 80 instead of around 70? Or is 70-75 just fine for a discus?

06-22-2013, 06:07 AM
Just buy a heater or two depending how big your tank is! People on SD keep their Discus at 82-86.

06-22-2013, 06:24 AM
This may be of help...


06-22-2013, 09:41 AM
This may be of help...

http://freshaquarium.about.com/od/heating/a/heatersizeguide.htmGood guide, but also consider that some heaters are more efficient than others of the same wattage.
A 300 watt finnex is recommended for an 80-100 gallon tank.
A 300 watt jager is recommended for an 159-264 gallon tank.

06-22-2013, 12:37 PM
What is the tank size and what heaters are you using? Did you calibrate the heater/s? One of the best ways to have a stable temperature is to use a temperature controller. I use this one:
