View Full Version : Does anyone have their tanks on carpet?

07-06-2013, 03:31 PM

I'm going to move my tank downstairs which is carpeted - does anyone put their tanks on plastic to protect their carpet? Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you.


07-06-2013, 03:38 PM
Well it's definitely crush the carpet so I would get a piece of 3/4 plywood to put down so it will crush it evenly.Make sure you got a level to see if you stay level while filling.
hope this helps you.Good luck.

07-07-2013, 08:13 AM
You can add the plywood or get a absorbant mat from HD or even look at Uline's website. They have thick pads you can use, just make sure its larger than the tank/stand to catch the water you will drip on to the floor. It helps so you won't ruin too much of your carpet.

Second Hand Pat
07-07-2013, 08:28 AM
I line my stands with a water proof liner as a first line of defense if the sump/hose starts to leak. For the carpet I use a trowel under my work area.

07-18-2013, 12:22 AM
I have never used plastic under the tank for fear it would trap water between the carpet and plastic leading to mold.

When I built my stands which contained sumps (SW Reefs) I always built the inside of them water tight with a 4" lip all the way around, water sealed with marine grade varnish. Saved me from one pipe crack once, and I was delighted to find that it held water very well!

Frankly, every time I moved a tank I found the carpet under to be in better condition than the carpet just outside - for some reason it always seems that in front of the tank becomes a "High traffic" area.


07-18-2013, 10:44 AM
i have carpet padding with a plastic liner built on top. I purchased it with when I bought my new carpet and its under all of my carpet. Also my carpet is a recycled plastic so I don't have to worry about spills soaking the carpet or penetrating to the hardwood floor. I just blot up the spill best I can and let the rest evaporate. HTH
BTW I got it in case my dog has an accident while I'm not home, haven't had to test it with large amounts of water(thankfully). Only the occasional spills while doing water changes and when i do those I put a towel down because fish water/waste can really stink if it sets up in your carpet.

07-18-2013, 11:19 AM
Yea like everyone else said, it will crush and dent your carpet. The one corner of my room has a bunch of dents in it from my tanks over the years. Right now it has my 40G on a very heavy stand.

07-18-2013, 12:17 PM
I'll never keep an aquarium outside of tile floor in my office. My new home doesn't have a basement so keeping an aquarium there will never happen. I've had too many tanks both glass and acrylic blow seams over the years to ever risk doing major damage to my home. I've always kept tanks over 100 gallons though. A 100g+ aquarium being drained out onto your floor would be a disaster and cost thousands to repair. Just not worth the risk imo. The smaller tanks that most of discus owners keep I think you will be fine putting it on your carpet. If you have a good pad under your carpet the marks it leaves will eventually go away. Again this is for tanks under 50 gallons.

07-18-2013, 12:38 PM
I had mine on carpet for 2 years and then we got wood floors. As for making an indent in the carpet it didn't matter to me because we knew we didn't wanna move the tank from that location.