View Full Version : American Graffiti

07-15-2013, 02:34 PM
Quite by accident I managed to catch this movie uncut this weekend. I had forgotten what a good movie it was, but as my 2 youngest daughters were watching it occurred to me that they really did not have any point of reference for the movie. For the most part cruising has been killed. I remember as a youth driving into Mesquite, TX to cruise Galloway Rd. Had loads of harmless fun and learned lots of life lessons. I kind of got to feeling bad that my kids really did not ever get a chance to experience that kind of fun. I still remember one of the cops telling me to get "The hell out of Mesquite and not to come back unless I was shoe shopping with my Momma".....LOL. Of course we just left, went and parked the truck, and came back in the mustang...LOL. Anyway no real point to this story other than to say to all of the other old timers that if you get bored you might want to rent the movie. It will sure bring back memories. I doubt the cut up broadcast version would br worth watching....


07-15-2013, 03:08 PM
Was a great movie. It inspired me to get into car collecting. First classic car was a 51 Mercury. Today kids don't understand the past because most of the past has been forgotten. Most car-hops are not strip malls. Use to take my cars to Friday night car shows at the local Dog N Suds, or Rock N Roll McDonald nights.

If we can pull kids from their computers, phones, ipad etc for a few hours and go cruising, they just might enjoy it.

07-15-2013, 03:12 PM
Not only would they enjoy it but they would learn a hell of a lot...LOL. Like how to get yourself out of a bind without help from others.


07-15-2013, 03:27 PM
Cruising was a way of life back in the day.I cruised Mesquite and on Buckner I was a Grove Rat.I met my wife on Buckner in the mid 70's.Now they met on the computer,don't talk on phones everything is in a text.The young generation doesn't know the fun they missed out on.John are you from the Grove the name is familiar.

07-15-2013, 03:28 PM
It was also fun going to midnight drag races behind some of the factory's in Chicago. Cops never showed up to arrest anyone, they where just there to watch the races and make sure no one got hurt.

07-15-2013, 03:35 PM
Cruising was a way of life back in the day.I cruised Mesquite and on Buckner I was a Grove Rat.I met my wife on Buckner in the mid 70's.Now they met on the computer,don't talk on phones everything is in a text.The young generation doesn't know the fun they missed out on.John are you from the Grove the name is familiar.

I was not from the Grove but most of my cousins were....spent a lot of time running the streets in the 80's. My brother ran them fairly hard back in the 70's


07-15-2013, 03:36 PM
It was also fun going to midnight drag races behind some of the factory's in Chicago. Cops never showed up to arrest anyone, they where just there to watch the races and make sure no one got hurt.

As it should be today. I remember back when a local highway was new and pretty much unused.....We would literally stop traffic on 175 for races at times and no one cared.....LOL.


07-15-2013, 03:43 PM
Such a simpler life back in the 60's, 70's and 80's. Friday night cruising for chicks. Saturday night showing off the cars at the local burger joints, then go racing with your new girl. Those were the days!

Thanks for bringing up that movie. And who could forget Suzanne Somers short cameo.

07-15-2013, 07:39 PM
It was also fun going to midnight drag races behind some of the factory's in Chicago. Cops never showed up to arrest anyone, they where just there to watch the races and make sure no one got hurt.

And when they wanted you to stop,they hosed down the streets.

07-15-2013, 07:41 PM
Cruising was still active here until gas prices skyrocketed in... when was it... 2005?

07-15-2013, 07:42 PM
As it should be today. I remember back when a local highway was new and pretty much unused.....We would literally stop traffic on 175 for races at times and no one cared.....LOL.


I think everyone was just so awed at the sight of cars instead of the usual horse and buggy out there in the wild west way back then. :D:D:D:D haha

07-15-2013, 09:41 PM
Loved the movie. Not quite that old but remember when cars were big enough to go to a drive in movie. Jeff

07-15-2013, 10:26 PM
I think everyone was just so awed at the sight of cars instead of the usual horse and buggy out there in the wild west way back then. :D:D:D:D haha

That is alright youngster.....I will remember those words when you are in Austin....LOL.
