View Full Version : dicus fry and flukes

07-27-2013, 06:57 PM
I finally raised a batch of fry to about nickel size after my lost batches due to the babies not finding their parents (pigeon blood). I kept them alive with rotifers, this food I got from brineshrimpdirect, egg yolks . Until they started to eat BS. I though all was well. I changed the water daily (RO and tap) , they were starting to eat beef heart. Slowly they slowed in eating, sitting at the bottom, some darted, rubbing . I tried salt, clout, meto, prazi. with waterchanges. Probably messed up with too many medicines but nothing seemed to be doing anything. I losted all in a few weeks, water parameters are good, I now have another batch about a week old eating BS and happy. Parents are with them, hoping they will discover their parents soon. Last time it was around 10 days and they discovered them. Before anyone tells me, I tried all, taking out dark stuff in tank, lower the water, the only thing good about the dark items is it kept them in one place so I could drop food to them.
Ok, my question, what can i do to avoid this happening again. they are in a new tank but with same parents, i sterilized the old tank and it is just sitting. What is truly the best way to treat or even pretreat so I do not lose these babies again. This was more frustrating to lose them at this size than when they were a couple of days old. thanks in advance

07-27-2013, 07:29 PM
95% of all fry deaths are due to water quality issues. Stay on top of water changes, clean your filters and do daily tank wipe downs, and avoid overfeeding.

Chicago Discus
07-27-2013, 07:37 PM
95% of all fry deaths are due to water quality issues. Stay on top of water changes, clkean your filters and do daily tank wipe downs, and avoid overfeeding.

I agree with this...........Josie