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View Full Version : my new discus won' eat

07-27-2013, 07:11 PM
I bought 2 couple discus last 3day. I put them in my tank with 3 goldfish(greedy eaters). At first, discus did try to eat but they lost chance to eat bcoz of goldfish! so I feed them directly to them, than they did eat! but they stopped eating next day.
their size is 5 cm and my tank is crystal clean with gravel filter.
now, I removed goldfish but they still didn' eat! most of time, they live in the coner of tank!
wht shud I do:?
plz help me!!!

07-27-2013, 07:23 PM
Welcome to Simply!:)

It sounds like you need to do your research. Try reading the stickies in the beginner section to learn more.

Where did you get your discus? You want to be getting your discus from a local breeder or one of the sponsors here on Simply Discus.
Discus with goldfish!? Goldfish are some of the dirtiest fish out there and you don't want them with your discus.
Under gravel filter? Gravel is not a good substrate as it holds all the poop and other bad stuff under it.
What kind of food are you using? You may not be using food that's recommended. You don't want to be feeding your discus goldfish pellets.:p
They might hide in the corner of the tank for the first few days as they need to get accustomed to their new environment. It may take a few more days for them to start swimming around.

07-28-2013, 12:40 AM
Ok, you have some immediate problems to resolve if you want your discus to live. Do this:

1) Fill a clean bucket with tap water, heat it to 82 degrees and add and airstone to it.

2) Put the discus into the bucket and set it in a dark place so that they don't get spooked.

3) Buy a brand new sponge filter from your local fish store.

4) Empty the tank completely, remove the gravel filter and the gravel and then clean the tank with bleach. Be sure to rinse it VERY well, then fill the tank and add dechlorinator. You should not be able to smell any bleach in the water when you are done. While the tank is empty, paint the bottom on the outside of the tank with white paint.

5) When the paint is dry, refill the tank. Add the new sponge filter and a clean heater. Heat the water to 82F.

6) Let the tank sit for 24 hours, then put the discus back into the tank.

7) Change the water twice per day until the filter has cycled.

8) Feed your discus a SMALL amount of discus flakes and discus pellet food 5-6 times per day.

Your tank will take about 6 weeks for the filter to be fully cycled, so don't slack off on the water changes. You will know the tank is cycled when Ammonia and Nitrites are zero. After that, you will still need to do daily water changes until the discus are full grown. That can take about 8-10 months.

07-28-2013, 01:02 AM
[QUOTE=camuth8;1017110]Welcome to Simply!:)

It sounds like you need to do your research. Try reading the stickies in the beginner section to learn more

I bought them from local store abt 3 U$ per fish. I am from Myanmar & I afraid that a lot of equipments( nitrogen test,ph test kit etc.) for discus are too expensive in this region. I stalled just Undergravel filter, canister filter( canister is only used when too cloudy), thermometer and heater!
now, my tank temperature is 30 degrees Celsius.
do I need other expensive test kits:???

07-28-2013, 01:40 AM
Ok, you have some immediate problems to resolve if you want your discus to live. Do this:

1) Fill a clean bucket with tap water, heat it to 82 degrees and add and airstone to it.

2) Put the discus into the bucket and set it in a dark place so that they don't get spooked.

3) Buy a brand new sponge filter from your local fish store.

4) Empty the tank completely, remove the gravel filter and the gravel and then clean the tank with bleach. Be sure to rinse it VERY well, then fill the tank and add dechlorinator. You should not be able to smell any bleach in the water when you are done. While the tank is empty, paint the bottom on the outside of the tank with white paint.

5) When the paint is dry, refill the tank. Add the new sponge filter and a clean heater. Heat the water to 82F.

6) Let the tank sit for 24 hours, then put the discus back into the tank.

7) Change the water twice per day until the filter has cycled.

8) Feed your discus a SMALL amount of discus flakes and discus pellet food 5-6 times per day.

Your tank will take about 6 weeks for the filter to be fully cycled, so don't slack off on the water changes. You will know the tank is cycled when Ammonia and Nitrites are zero. After that, you will still need to do daily water changes until the discus are full grown. That can take about 8-10 months.

thx, sir
but I dun' hav any test kit to test ammonia and nitrogen!!!

07-28-2013, 04:41 AM
[QUOTE=mhk;1017159]thx, sir
but I dun' hav any test kit to test ammonia and nitrogen!!![/QUOTE

get one asap.

07-28-2013, 08:13 AM
Hello mhk,welcome and find below some points. React fast and save the fish :)

1. For sure u want to know ur ammonia/nitrite/nitrate
2. Any PH swing between tap & tank?(age water with prime)
3. Temperature 82+ for now(depends)
4. clean water and more frequent WC.
5. going forward, QT the fish in a separate tank and never ever mix with other fishes. :)

Good luck,start reading stickies in simply.It will clarify all ur questions!!!

07-28-2013, 08:18 AM
My bad eyes:o

Didn't notice strawberryblonde-Toni comments. Well explained to start with,have fun.

07-28-2013, 09:54 AM
thx, sir
but I dun' hav any test kit to test ammonia and nitrogen!!!

Ok, so you can't afford the test kits. You still need to follow the rest of the instructions if you want your discus to live and be healthy.

07-28-2013, 10:32 AM
I bought them from local store abt 3 U$ per fish. I am from Myanmar & I afraid that a lot of equipments( nitrogen test,ph test kit etc.) for discus are too expensive in this region. I stalled just Undergravel filter, canister filter( canister is only used when too cloudy), thermometer and heater!
now, my tank temperature is 30 degrees Celsius.
do I need other expensive test kits:???

You can still use a canister filter when the water isn't cloudy. A filter's a filter. Canister filters are one of the great filters out there and you could use it the whole time. Also listen to what Toni said and get a brand new sponge filter.

You will also need to get more discus because discus are a schooling fish and only 2 discus won't work well

08-05-2013, 02:51 PM
Remove the goldfish, they carry parasites that will kill the discus. If you do massive water changes 50 to 75% daily for several weeks and you can't afford the kits you should be okay. Someone correct me if I am wrong. Keep your temp up maybe even get it up to 86 or 88 Degrees FH to stimulate their metabolism when they have settled.
How large are your fish?
How many do you have? How big is the tank?
Can you post picture of them? Any signs of illness?