View Full Version : need help :(

08-07-2013, 09:01 AM
Hi guys,
I have a marl. Red in a hospital tank. He has been sick since I bought him (1month ago)
When I first got my 5discus I treated then all with metro for 10days. The red was the only one showing signs of illness per meds. One week ago he started having white stringy poop and became very antisocial.
I took him from the display tank and put him in a hospital tank. Have been treating with general cure for 7days now. Just yesterday he took a turn for the worse swimming is becoming very uncontrolled. Losing sense of balance. And this is weird to me but his gills look very red and irritated.
Tank parameters for hospital tank is p.h 6.8 amm.0 nitrite nitrate 10

08-07-2013, 09:43 AM
We'll try to help, but first we need you to fill out the disease questionnaire in order to give as much information as possible. Helps us get a full picture of what's going on. The link to the questionnaire is just above this thread in bright red writing. Go to the link, copy the questionnaire and then paste it into a reply here.

The more info you give us, the better we can pinpoint the problem.

08-07-2013, 10:10 AM
OK I will post that in a few hours. I am on my cell phone and it won't let me do it :/

08-07-2013, 12:00 PM
For now I can post a picture I will post the full questionare as soon as I get home.