View Full Version : Dosing Meds with drip water changer

08-09-2013, 07:04 AM
Hey All,

Im about to start a Metro treatment cycle to treat hex in a display tank that has a drip water changer set up . The question is should I leave this running while treating with meds or will it dilute the meds. it currently changes 50 litres a day in a 250 litre tank. Or is it better to leave it running for fresh water.

Cheers Jake

08-09-2013, 08:11 AM
I assume that the tank has a filter, therefore I would suggest to stop the continous water change and do the metro treatment cycle, otherwise it will be difficult to control the concentration of meds in the tank. Have you tried to use thermal therapy before metro treatment? Somentimes a week at 34ºC is enough to get rid of hexa and make those picky-eaters to eat (when they start eating you can use metro-medicated food as a reinforcement to the trearment).-

08-09-2013, 09:54 AM
I assume that the tank has a filter, therefore I would suggest to stop the continous water change and do the metro treatment cycle, otherwise it will be difficult to control the concentration of meds in the tank. Have you tried to use thermal therapy before metro treatment? Somentimes a week at 34ºC is enough to get rid of hexa and make those picky-eaters to eat (when they start eating you can use metro-medicated food as a reinforcement to the trearment).-

Agreed. Try thermal treatment. It has work for me every time a discus go off food with hex. 92-94 degrees for 3-4 days usually gets them to eat. I continue the heat for a total of 6 days and than slowly bring the temp back down to normal over the next few days. Higher temp increase their metabolism and also makes the Discus produce more antibody to fight off the sickness. If you do try this make sure to add more air as higher temp mains less oxygen. I haven't found the need to med with metro since doing this.

08-09-2013, 10:05 AM
I may not be a smart man.. but i think the meds would just be washed away.. so not a good idea to leave it on

08-09-2013, 04:30 PM
I think u need to stop the drip til meds tx are finished.

How many discus keepers do auto wc like drip method?
Im seriously looking into this. It totally makes sense for us.

08-09-2013, 05:24 PM
I agree with the dropper being turned off, as for filtration it has a sump with all sorts of media and a range of different sponges and mats. Temp wise I would be worried to kill the rest of the community fish 30 degreesand all the plants is really as high as I can go.